
There are lot's of wildlife in Washington D.C like the raccoon, this masked animal is fairly common in Washington D.C. They frequently raid trash can's and steal pet food. There are also squirrels, squirrels are often a pest in Washington D.C. They love to live in attics, and will chew on wood or electrical wires. They are agile creatures. There is also the opossum, you may spot this animal in Washington D.C at night time, perhaps rooting thru your garbage. This opportunistic animal will take your pets food and live under your porch. There are also snakes, there are many spices of snakes friendly and venomous. There is also the bat, bats are special creatures and found through out the district of Columbia. they are good creatures and eat a lot of insects.

There are also cottontail rabbits, woodchucks, muskrats,and chipmunks.