Life in Washington D.C

Washington D.C is the place to go because it has lot's of fun places. Another reason is that there are monuments you can go to. Another reason is because of it's climate.

Washington D.C has lot's of monuments like the white house where you can take a tour. Also there is the George Washington memorial it sit's outside near the white house. There is also the Abraham Lincoln memorial site.

You should go to Washington D.C because of it's climate. Washington D.C is in the subtropical climate zone. Washington D.C is known for it's humid springs and Autumns, and mild winters with seasonal snow fall averaging just over 17 inches. The months May , June, August, September and October have a nice average temperature.

You should go to Washington D.C because of it's attractions. One attraction is the national cherry blossom festival, enjoy the nations greatest (and prettiest) springtime celebration.

You should always go to Washington D.C because of it's monuments, fun places and climate.