Why you should visit Georgia

I think you should go to Georgia because there is lots of awsome and cool stuff about it.Georgia is really fun and exiting.That's why i want you to go visit Georgia.

I think you should go to Georgia bcause there were lots of famous people born there such as Martin Luther King Jr he was a awsome person that was leader of civil rights.He had dreams that people would like eachother even though they are diffrent colores of

skin.Another famous person is Jimmy Carter he is 39th presidan of USA and right now he is 91 years old.Another person is James Oglethorpe he was founder of Georgia he is right now dead but we all remember him by going to Georgia.All of these people were all born in Georgia. That is one reason why you should visit Georgia.

I think you should visit Georgia because of its Population.The population is super high.The population of Georia is 12.888 million.Georgias population can get bigger if people start living there or visiting there.Georgia does not have the biggest population.Georgia also does not have the smallest populatio it is in between all states.That is the 2 reason why

I think you should go to Georgia because there is lots of places you can visit such as Atlanta,Atlanta is the capitol of GA aka Georgia.Another awsome place you can visit is gainesville that place is so cool.It would be more cooler if you visit it in Georgia you can go to savannah its so pretty in savannah.There is lots of beautiful flowers and plants.Thats it