Tour of Ohio

One hot day in Ohio where the Maurer family was staying for a week. The family first day the family rented a car and drove down to the Rock n' roll hall of fame. Then an hour later Chaney said, "I am starving, can we get lunch."

"Sure." My mom said, then we went over to the Rock Hall café. After that we look Ed at the rock and roll hall of fame for a little bit longer then went to bed.

The very next day the Maurer family went to the cleavland cavaliers game te win.

The last day the Maurer family was there first went to a water park each of them went got to go on seven water slides. they all said, "That was fun." at the same exact time.

Then they got lunch from Best Friends Restaurant then they went home and while they were driving home they were talking about how great there vacation was to Ohio.