Sp1 PE-1

Chapter Vocabulary lists UNIT PE: Part 1 (click on link to view & print list)

vocabulary flashcards at Realidades 1 phschool.com p22 chPE

Beginner Spanish conversation phrases (click on link to see phrases)

Here is the link to the Richland County Public Library resource for you to review Spanish: Mango.

P1: Spanish-speaking countries & capitals (p.xvi-xxx)prior to chPE (maps games at: lizardpoint.com Sheppardsoftware.com)

L1cPE1&L2 intro Spanish GEOGRAPHY

Why learn Spanish?

Google Presentation

Greetings/Farewells (all vocab PE text p. 22), (PE p.2,4)

L1cPE1 greetingsSPI
Google Presentation

Alphabet (PE p.12),

Google Presentation

Colors (6A p.273, 294),

L2cPE colores&ropa

Classroom Commands (PE p6),

L2cPE classroom phrases level1
L1cPE1 Time

Grammar: gender & number (PE p.11),

L1cPE1& L2c2A numeros

nouns & articles(1B p.60-61)(2B p.110-112),

L1cPE2 class objects and articles

Body Parts (PE p.9)

L2c2A El Cuerpo

Classroom Materials (limited)(PE p.10)(2B p.100),

L2c1Apre Escuela

Calendar (dates, days, months, etc. PE p.14-15,18)


Weather & Seasons (PE p.18-21,23)

Google Presentation