3 &4 Repaso

Attached are some reviews which cover level 3cp, 3Honors and 4Honors material.  Students are responsible only for the material covered in class.

Study strategy for GRAMMAR FOR FINAL 

1. Print out the GRAMMAR CONCEPTS REVIEW SHEET. Read every one. Think about what you learned and if remember it well.

2. Highlight the concepts you already feel that you have mastered.   

3. Circle chunks that you will study one at a time. For example: a tense  with regular verbs versus irregular verb, orthographical spelling changes (aka -car/-gar/-zar), Reasons when to use one verb vs other that mean the same thing in English like the verbs to be or to know.  Chunk to make manageable sections. 

4. WRITE on small pieces of paper (flash cards) OR (FOLDED NOTES) fold paper in half or more to write a column of concept under one lesson like regular, irregular, stem-change, orthographical spelling changes, Rules on when to use that tense. (writing is a study strategy) 

Review the cards daily and separate after you learned them. highlight the learned words from the original list.

5. Review all YOUR Grammar NOTES that you have taken for each concept. RE-WRITE the notes summary and reflection. 

6. Play digital online SPANISH games available for your individual Grammar concept.  I recommend Quizlet.com, Conjuguemos.com, Quia.com, and to research online for any new websites, online Spanish grammar handbooks, and articles. 

7. Pre-Test yourself before test day using recommended sites like National Spanish Exam Final Exam Practice,  or on paper strategies, ask a family members or classmates to verbally ask you to explain each individual concept  (an vice versa) to make sure you are ready for the test.

8. Learning Grammar is based on repetition.  This is why you must practice you SPANISH daily by reading, listening, speaking, and writing.