Avancemos 1 Unidad 4 lección 1

U4L1: Espana en el centro

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vocabulary: clothing & shopping (colors)

Tener expressions

Grammar #1: stem-changing (e-ie) verbs p199.

ADD Grammar: Stem-change (u-ue)

Grammar #2: Direct object pronouns p204

Each chapter is introduced with video with vocabulary application. The list is the last page of each chapter in the textbook.

For effective Vocabulary acquisition, it is required to practice and repeat application from the 1st up to the last page of each chapter. We begin with vocabulary tasks, and then we weave in the grammar concepts with those familiar words. Spelling vocabulary quizzes and vocabulary application tasks are the foundation of each chapter.

Study strategy for vocabulary.

1. Print out the vocabulary list. Read every word. Think about the pronunciation, the spelling with the sound of each letter and write down anything that can help you remember that word vs its meaning.

2. Highlight the words you already know or are easy to learn (cognates aka words that look like English words).

3. Circle those words that have accents. This is a way to chunk the words in manageable sections.

4. WRITE on small pieces of paper (flash cards) OR (FOLDED NOTES) fold paper in half to write a column of unknown words on one side and meaning on the other. the vocabulary words you DO NOT know. (writing is a study strategy)

Review the cards daily and separate after you learned them. highlight the learned words from the original list.

5. Do the digital Flash Card to attach the correct pronunciation with written word. Repeat the pronunciation OUTLOUD until you are producing the same sound attached to the word.

6. Play digital online SPANISH games available for your individual vocabulary list. I recommend Quizlet.com, Conjuguemos.com, Quia.com, and to research online for any new Vocabulary games on variety of websites.

7. Pre-Test yourself before test day using recommended sites, other on paper strategies, ask a family member to verbally ask you how to say each vocabulary word in Spanish to make sure you are ready for the test.

8. Learning Vocabulary is based on repetition of a minimum of 16 times per word. This is why you must practice daily the list with any of the strategies above.

Avancemos 1 Vocabulary list

Vocabulary application tasks

1. Avancemos 1 Ebook: https://my.hrw.com/

2. Avancemos 1 Unidad 4 lección 1 FLASHCARDS on page 213 by clicking on the Animated grammar icon on right top corner

my.hrw.com..... student edition....go to page (on top of page) type page 213 ....animated flashcards (icon on top right corner)

another way to flashcards ..... my.hrw.com...student resources..... program resource (2nd column)....@hometutor....level A/B/C...Unidad 4...leccion 1... vocabulario....flashcards

5. Avancemos 1 Unidad 4 lección 1 Vocabulary drills of conjuguemos.com link has flashcards, games & graded tasks

also located at: my.hrw.com ........ student resource..... unidad 4 ....review lección 1.... Games

7. Avancemos 1 Unidad 4 lección 1 Videos & student audio practices

Page 195 ¡A RESPONDER! VOC TASK: Watch the video by clicking on dvd icon. Listen to p.140-141 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-E. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the BLUE Q icon to open the activity, listen & answer audio questions. Submit, screenshot and post in Google classroom.

8. p196 activity 1: tell how much each of the 7 clothing items cost

9. p196 activity 2: describe 8 clothing items. Q& A format

10. Page 196, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of page:

student edition TEXTBOOK... p.196 (not wkbk pages) answer 4 prompts

11. Avancemos 1 U4L1 practice Cuaderno P. 148-170 (Vocabulario ABC are pages 148-150)

my.hrw.com...... student resources..... Unidad 4 ... Cuaderno: práctica por niveles

13. Avancemos 2 U4L1 Did you get it WORKBOOK PAGES for p196 & 198 is a 5 page pdf file (Vocabulary apply activities)...

my.hrw..... student resources....unidad 4....review lección 1...did you get it? (WORKBOOK PAGES) Did You Get It?: Page 196 & 198

Vocabulary application Telehistoria escena 1. p197 click on video DVD icon to watch the video.

14. p198 actividad 3: click on speaker icon to hear audio. listen and complete the sentences with on of the 6 matching.

L2cPE colores&ropa

tener frío. tener calor. tener razón, tener suerte. tener hambre. tener cuidado

L1c3B TENER and phrases

Remember after-school activities p32: hablar por teléfono, escuchar música, leer un libro, tocar la guitarra, dibujar, estudiar, pasear, correr, montar en bicicleta, jugar al fútbol, andar en patineta.

15. p198 activitidad 4 : Q& A format to talk about what to wear to after-school activities.

16. Page 198, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of the page:

student edition TEXTBOOK... p.198 (not wkbk pages) 3 fill in the blank prompts.

17. Avancemos 1 Unidad 4 Lección 1 Videos & student audio practices

go to ebook link.... student resources....Lección Unidad 4 Lección 1 ...STUDENT TEXT AUDIOs

go to ebook link https://my.hrw.com/.... PROGRAM resources....@HomeTutor...level a/b/c....Unidad 4 ..... lección 1.....Vocabulary ... Practica..... (There are 5 activities of vocabulary for each level. It is a total of 15 practice tasks.)

Grammar#1: stem-changing (e-ie) verbs p199.

stem changing present e-ie.ppt

p199 Animated Grammar icon on right top of grammar box

p. 200 activity 5: write 6 sentences

p. 200 activity 6: 6 fill in the blank

p. 201 activity 7: listen and answer 6 questions

p. 201 activity 8: Q & A format to describe clothing items

Page 201, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of page

student edition TEXTBOOK... p.201 (not wkbk pages) 3 fill in the blank

Avancemos 1 U4L1 practice Cuaderno P. 148-170 (Stem-changing verbs e-ie Grammar ABC are pages 151-153)

my.hrw.com...... student resources..... Unidad 4 ... Cuaderno: práctica por niveles

Avancemos 2 U4L1 Did you get it WORKBOOK PAGES for p201 & 203 is a 2 page pdf file (Vocabulary apply activities)...

my.hrw..... student resources....unidad 2....review lección 2...did you get it? (WORKBOOK PAGES) Did You Get It?: Page 201 & 203

go to ebook link https://my.hrw.com/.... PROGRAM resources....@HomeTutor...level a/b/c....Unidad 4 ..... lección 1.....Gramática...Practica. (There are 5 activities for each level. It is a total of 15 practice tasks. complete, submit, Screenshot each entire activity and post in Google classroom).

go to ebook link.... PROGRAM resources....conjuguemos.com...level 1....Unit 4 lección 1

p202. Telehistoria escena 2. click DVD icon to watch video. click on speaker icon to read along.

p203 actividad 9: click to speaker icon. listen and answer 4 questions.

p203 actividad 10: Write a paragraph about your favorite and least clothing.

Page 203, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of page:

student edition TEXTBOOK... p. 203 (not wkbk pages) 3 fill in the blank with the conjugated verbs

Grammar #Added: Stem-change verb (u-ue)

stem changing present u-ue jugar.ppt

Realidades 1: ch4B (jugar u-ue)

p145-146 guided wkbk (first 2 pages only)

p209 go-online , p208 act 18 & p209, participation answer sheet (6 tasks) ,

JUGAR GAMES: Quizlet jugar games (flashcards, learn,write,spell,test,match gravity, live)

Grammar #2: Direct object pronouns p204


p204. Animated Grammar video (must be logged in to your e-book acct for link to work)

p205. actividad 11: Read and complete 6 fill in the blank

p205. actividad 12: write 8 sentences

p206. actividad 13: Q&A format about clothing.

p206. actividad 14: Q&A format about clothing and weather

Page 206, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of page:

student edition TEXTBOOK... p.206 (not wkbk pages) 6 fill in the blank with conjugated verbs.

Avancemos 1 U4L1 practice Cuaderno P. 148-170 (Direct Object Pronouns Grammar ABC are pages 154-156)

my.hrw.com...... student resources..... Unidad 4 ... Cuaderno: práctica por niveles

Avancemos 2 U4L1 Did you get it WORKBOOK PAGES for p.206 & 209 is a 3 page pdf file (Vocabulary apply activities)

my.hrw..... student resources....unidad 4....review lección 1 ... did you get it? (WORKBOOK PAGES) Did You Get It?: Page 206 & 209

p207. Telehistoria escena completa. click DVD icon to watch video. click on speaker icon to read along.

p208 actividad 15: click on speaker icon. Listen & correct 7 statements

p208 actividad 16: click on speaker icon. listen & answer 5 questions

p208 actividad 17: write and speak about clothing

p209 actividad 18: Listen do Fuente 1 & fuente 2. write a paragraph of comprehension.

p209 actividad 19: write a paragraph

Page 209, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of page:

student edition TEXTBOOK... p.209 (not wkbk pages) answer 3 questions

Avancemos 1 U4L1 practice Cuaderno P. 148-170 (Integración Hablar & Escribir are: pages 157-158 )

my.hrw.com...... student resources..... Unidad 4 ... Cuaderno: práctica por niveles

go to ebook link https://my.hrw.com/.... PROGRAM resources....@HomeTutor...level a/b/c....Unidad 4 ..... lección 1.....Gramática...Practica. (There are 5 activities for each level. It is a total of 15 practice tasks. complete, submit, Screenshot each entire activity and post in Google classroom).

my.hrw.com .... PROGRAM resources....conjuguemos.com...level 1....Unit 4 lección 1

p210 Lectura.

click on speaker icon. follow along and read p156-7.

Page 211, Para y piensa (RED stop sign) Did you Get it? at the bottom of page. read page 210-211

student edition TEXTBOOK... p.211 (not wkbk pages) answer 5 questions about the reading.

p212 Conexiones:

El arte: los árabes en Espana


Repaso de la lección p214-215

activity 1: listen & write 6 statements

activity 2: 6 fill in the blank stem-changing verbs e-ie

activity 3: write 6 sentences using stem-changing verbs e-ie

activity 4: Write 10 sentences using direct object pronouns

activity 5: read the culture readings on p.191, 203,206,210-211. answer 4 questions

Avancemos 1 U4L1 practice Cuaderno P. 148-170 (Practice on the following skills: ESCUCHAR ABC; LEER ABC; ESCRIBIR ABC; CULTURA ABC on pages 159-170

my.hrw.com...... student resources..... Unidad 4 ... Cuaderno: práctica por niveles

go to e-book link.... PROGRAM resources....conjuguemos.com...level 1....Unit 4 lección 1

Avancemos 1 (chosen chapter) Videos & student audio practices are located at: go to e-book link https://my.hrw.com/.... student resources....Unidad 4 Lección 1 ...STUDENT TEXT AUDIOs. They are also available on each e-textbook page under student edition.


location: my.hrw..... student resources....Unidad 4.....review Lección 1...... ....Self-Check Quizzes

(10 multiple choice questions) must be logged in to e-book for the direct link to work. Answer questions, submit answers button at bottom, screenshot the grade on top and post in Google classroom.


go to ebook link https://my.hrw.com/.... PROGRAM resources....@HomeTutor...level a/b/c....Unidad 4 ..... lección 1.......grammar/ vocabulary.......Practica....... There are 5 activities of vocabulary & each grammar for each level. It is a total of 15 practice tasks for vocabulary and each grammar.

News and Networking:

(under student resources...2nd column with PROGRAM RESOURCES) ...(above home tutor)

You get to view some Spanish videos

Spanish Interactive Readers:

(under student resources...2nd column with PROGRAM RESOURCES) ...(above home tutor)

There are 22 beginner reader stories

Teacher zone:

RD2 sample template


STANDARDS: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Application of grammar and vocabulary in real life scenario in a cultural content.

OBJECTIVES (indicators of learning): I know how to greet ans say goodbye, introduce myself to other, spell names, exchange tel #, say the day of the week, talk about the weather, and respond to class instructions.


NM.IC.6 I can communicate basic information about myself and people I know.

NM.PS.5 I can present simple information about something I learned using words, phrases, and memorized expressions

NM.PW.1 I can fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.

Build engagement/Activate prior knowledge: building vocabulary to communicate

Direct Instruction with modeling:

Guided and/Independent practice:

Closure: What did you already know? what did you learn? what you would like to learn more about?.