Avancemos 2 ch PRELIMINAR

Avancemos 2: lección PRELIMINAR

¡Mis amigos y yo! p.1

present tense: regular verbs, stem-change verbs, ser, tener, gustar, ser vs estar

ir +a + location/infinitive, articles within ser sentences)

Note to the teacher: est 4 weeks 90 min classes for this chapter with intro to tech & class guideline

Avancemos 2 Ebook: https://my.hrw.com/ (students will need the username & temp password from the teacher)

There are 7 parts to PRELIMINAR

PRELIMINAR: part 1 ¿Quién eres? p2 (articles & SER)

PRELIMINAR: part 2 ¿Cómo son? p6 (adjectives & TENER)

PRELIMINAR: part 3 ¿Qué te gusta? p10 (GUSTAR)

PRELIMINAR: part 4 ¿Adónde van? p14 (IR+a+place)

PRELIMINAR: part 5 ¿Cómo estan? p18 (SER or ESTAR)

PRELIMINAR: part 6 ¿Qué haces? p22 (Regular present tense & stem-changing verbs)

PRELIMINAR: part 7 ¿Qué vas a hacer? (IR+a+infinitive)

Avancemos 2 Preliminary review

Each chapter is introduced with video with vocabulary application. The list is the last page of each chapter.

For effective Vocabulary acquisition, it is required to practice and repeat application from the 1st up to the last page of each chapter. We begin with vocabulary tasks, and then we weave in the grammar concepts with those familiar words. Spelling vocabulary quizzes and vocabulary application tasks are the foundation of each chapter.

Study strategy for vocabulary.

1. Print out the vocabulary list. Read every word. Think about the pronunciation, the spelling with the sound of each letter and write down anything that can help you remember that word vs its meaning.

2. Highlight the words you already know or are easy to learn (cognates aka words that look like English words).

3. Circle those words that have accents. This is a way to chunk the words in manageable sections.

4. WRITE on small pieces of paper (flash cards) OR (FOLDED NOTES) fold paper in half to write a column of unknown words on one side and meaning on the other. the vocabulary words you DO NOT know. (writing is a study strategy)

Review the cards daily and separate after you learned them. highlight the learned words from the original list.

5. Do the digital Flash Card to attach the correct pronunciation with written word. Repeat the pronunciation OUTLOUD until you are producing the same sound attached to the word.

6. Play digital online SPANISH games available for your individual vocabulary list. I recommend Quizlet.com, Conjuguemos.com, Quia.com, and to research online for any new Vocabulary games on variety of websites.

7. Pre-Test yourself before test day using recommended sites, other on paper strategies, ask a family member to verbally ask you how to say each vocabulary word in Spanish to make sure you are ready for the test.

8. Learning Vocabulary is based on repetition of a minimum of 16 times per word. This is why you must practice daily the list with any of the strategies above.

Google Document

Vocabulary application tasks

3. Avancemos 2 leccion PRELIMINAR vocabulary game Factory :(located @ go to ebook link.... student resources.... lección PRELIMINAR.....review.....games (word factory)

4. Avancemos 2 leccion PRELIMINAR p29: No Animated FLASHCARDS available on the vocabulary pages - right top icon. They are in student resources under Home Tutor page under PRELIMINAR vocabulary ...Video on how to access PRELIMINAR Vocabulary tasks & flashcards following the instructions from below:

From e-book link https://my.hrw.com/dashboard/home , click on STUDENT RESOURCE, on the right column of Program resources click on @HOMETUTOR,

To activate HOMETUTOR page, you must click the LEVEL A,B,C. Then click the desired chapter, lección PRELIMINAR. Then click Vocabulario. click on práctica or FLASHCARDS

5. Total of 15 VOCABULARY PRACTICE TASKS (using access instructions from above in Home Tutor).

PRELIMINAR: part 1 ¿Quién eres? p2 (articles & SER)

6. Page 3 A RESPONDER VOC TASK: Listen to p2-3 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-F. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the BLUE Q icon to open the activity, listen & answer audio questions 1-8. Submit, screenshot and post in Google classroom.

PRELIMINAR vocabulary part 1 covered on Page 1-2

L1c1B Articles definite
L1c1B articles indefinite

Article practice: p4 activity 1

PRELIMINAR articles covered on Page 3

subject pronouns

verb SER + adjective (nationalities)/nouns + de p.5

(Subject pronoun + (no) + SER + (in)definite article + noun + adjective) or

(Subject pronoun + (no) + SER + noun + de + _____)

L1c2A ser

ser practice: p5 activity 3

Ser practice: p5 activity 4.

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? p.5 (not wkbk pages) 3 sentences @ vocabulary

PRELIMINAR subject pronoun & SER covered on Page 4

PRELIMINAR: Part 2 ¿Cómo son?

adjectives p.8


Vocabulary application task (part 2):

Page 7 A RESPONDER VOC TASK: Listen to p6-7 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-D. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the SPEAKER icon. CHANGE of instruction. Instead of true or false... WRITE in ENGLISH in a google document what you hear in Spanish. There are 7 sentences/audio. Submit and post in Google classroom.

PRELIMINAR description vocabulary part 6 covered on Page 5-6

adjectives matching nouns (word order) p.8

Word Order.pptx

Adjective matching practice:

p8 activity 5 (complete sentence).

P8 activity 6. rewrite each of the 6 sentence.

PRELIMINAR adjectives covered on Page 7

Tener phrases will be covered on page 20 along with feelings.

L2cPE TENER and phrases

TENER practice in Avancemos:

p9 activity 7 (type question & answer format dialogue - 6).

P9 activity 8.(type question & answer format dialogue - 6).

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR....Did you get it? P9(not wkbk pages) 3 matching @vocabulary

PRELIMINAR TENER covered on Page 8

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR....Did you get it? P9(not wkbk pages) 3 matching @vocabulary

PRELIMINAR: part 3 ¿Qué te gusta? p10 (GUSTAR)

Vocabulary application task (part 3):

Page 11 A RESPONDER VOC TASK: Listen to p10-11 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-F. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the SPEAKER icon. CHANGE of instruction. Instead of writing the name of the person that matches the audio... WRITE in ENGLISH in a google document what you hear in Spanish. There are 8 sentences to match the audios. Submit and post in Google classroom.

L2c2A gustar2

Gustar practice:

Gustar p12 activity 9 (matching)

Gustar p12 activity 10 write the full 5 sentences

Gustar p13 activity 11 write 6 dialogue (question & answer for each)

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P13 (not wkbk pages) 3 sentences in Spanish

PRELIMINAR GUSTAR covered on Page 9-11

PRELIMINAR: part 4 ¿Adónde van? p14 (IR+a+place)

Vocabulary application task (part 4):

Page 15 A RESPONDER VOCABULARY TASK: Listen to p.14-15 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-F. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the SPEAKER icon. CHANGE of instruction. Instead of writing the name of the person that matches the audio... WRITE in ENGLISH in a google document what you hear in Spanish. There are 6 sentences to match the audios. Submit and post in Google classroom.

PRELIMINAR vocabulary part 4 covered on Page 12-13

Part 7 will cover Ir + a + infinitive (this presentation covers both uses)

ir a & ver ‎‎(present)‎‎

Ir + a + place practice: p16 activity 12 make the 8 sentences correct.

Ir + a + place practice: p16 activity 13 fill in the blank (8).

Ir + a + place practice: p17 activity 14 dialogue question & answer (6).

Ir + a + place practice: p17 activity 15 dialogue question & answer (6).

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.17 (not wkbk pages) 3 matching @ verb ir

PRELIMINAR the verb IR covered on Page 14

PRELIMINAR: part 5 ¿Cómo estan? p18 (SER or ESTAR)

Vocabulary application task (part 5):

Page 19 A RESPONDER VOCABULARY TASK: Listen to p.18-19 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-E. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the SPEAKER icon. CHANGE of instruction. Instead of writing the name of the person that matches the audio... WRITE in ENGLISH in a google document what you hear in Spanish. There are 6 sentences to match the audios. Submit and post in Google classroom.

Vocabulary p20 activity 17 Write a Spanish sentence (6)

Vocabulary p20 activity 18 Write how you feel sentence (6)

PRELIMINAR Vocabulary part 5 covered on Page 15-16


TENER phrases used for p20 actividad 19

L1c3B TENER and phrases
SER vs Estar estar&ser

PRELIMINAR the VERB SER & ESTAR covered on Page 17

PRELIMINAR: part 6 ¿Qué haces? p22 (Regular present tense & stem-changing verbs)

Vocabulary application task (part 6):

Page 23 A RESPONDER VOCABULARY TASK: Listen to p.22-23 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-H. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the SPEAKER icon. CHANGE of instruction. Instead of writing the name of the person that matches the audio... WRITE in ENGLISH in a google document what you hear in Spanish. There are 6 sentences to match the audios. Submit and post in Google classroom.

Did you Get it? at the bottom of each page:

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.21(not wkbk pages) 4 fill in blanks @ ser vs estar verbs

PRELIMINAR Vocabulary part 6 covered on Page 18-19

Conjugation PRESENT TENSE - Regular verbs p.24

L1c3A present tense
L1c2A Present Tense AR verbs
L1c3A Present Tense ER, IR verbs

Conjugation paper game (optional practice)

Present Conjugation Game

Conjugation review drills go to:

e-drills of present tense at http://www.spaleon.com/pres.php

quizlet.com PRESENT TENSE CONJUGATION has many good class interactive games to reinforce

PRESENT TENSE Practice: p24 actividad 22: Write 8 Spanish sentences correctly

PRESENT TENSE Practice: p24 actividad 23: write dialogue question & answer about what you do (6)


Conjugation PRESENT TENSE- STEM-CHANGING verbs p.30 (e-ie, e-i, o-ue, u-ue)

stem changing present u-ue.ppt
StemChange present o-ue.ppt
stem changing present e-ie.ppt
StemChange present e-i.ppt
L2c1A StemChange present

STEM-CHANGE VERB PRACTICE: p25 actividad 24 is fill in the blank correct conjugated verb

STEM-CHANGE VERB PRACTICE: p25 actividad 25 answer 6 questions in full sentence using stem-change verb from the question

Did you Get it? (7 screenshots) at the bottom of each page:

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.25(not wkbk pages) 4 conjugate present tense


PRELIMINAR: part 7 ¿Qué vas a hacer?

Part 7: IR+a+infinitive & (part 4: ir + location)

Vocabulary application task (part 7):

Page 27 A RESPONDER VOCABULARY TASK: Listen to p.26-27 by clicking on the speaker icons for dialogue A-D. You should be able to understand each dialogue using vocabulary of the chapter. Then click on the SPEAKER icon. CHANGE of instruction. Instead of writing the name of the person that matches the audio... WRITE in ENGLISH in a google document what you hear in Spanish. There are 8 sentences to match the audios. Submit and post in Google classroom.

PRELIMINAR Vocabulary part 7 covered on Page 22-23

ir a & ver (present)

Infinitive phrases Practice: p28 activiy 26 listen and put the 6 sentences in logical order.

Infinitive phrases Practice: p28 activiy 27 Write five sentences in Spanish

Did you Get it? (7 screenshots) at the bottom of each page:

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.28(not wkbk pages) 4 fill in blank

PRELIMINAR the verb Ir + a+ INFINITIVE covered on Page 24

Dialogue response presentation: who speaks and how to reply?

Dialogue responses

This covers verbs like decir (which is covered in this chapter).

Realidades 1 ch 5A at p228 act 9,10, p230 act 14, p159-160 guided wkbk, p230 go-online, p234 mas practica) ( do not use p230 mas practica since its linked to uses possessive adjectives) & Practice from HomeEducationResources.com . Tener CPS available.

VENIR practice Realidades1 ch5B, p256 act 11, p257 go-online, p257 mas practica, p175-176 guided wkbk

DECIR practice: Realidades1 ch 8B, p408 act 8, p408 go-online, p408 mas practica, p269 guided wkbk

irregular yo practice GUIDED wkbk package (click here)

Irregular yo practice MAS PRACTICE WKBK pages


Avancemos 2 leccion PRELIMINAR Conjugation e- drills direct link:go to ebook link.... PROGRAM resources....conjuguemos.com...level 2....lección PRELIMINAR

Avancemos 2 lección PRELIMINAR - student textbook edition, & student resources link (4min video) showing you all that it has for you to review.

****Note: There are NO workbook pages as review of PRELIMINAR under student resources or teacher resources. The pages are under the teacher's Back to school resource. The direct link to those pages are below: Avancemos 2 Lección PRELIMINAR WORKBOOK pages 1-24 review from back to school (searched resource)

Avancemos 2 PRELIMINAR Videos & student audio practices are located at: go to e-book link https://my.hrw.com/.... student resources....Lección PRELIMINAR ...STUDENT TEXT AUDIOs. They are also available on each e-textbook page under student edition.

Did you Get it? (7 screenshots) at the bottom of each page:

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? p.5 (not wkbk pages) 3 sentences @ vocabulary

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR....Did you get it? P9(not wkbk pages) 3 matching @vocabulary

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P13 (not wkbk pages) 3 sentences in Spanish

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.17 (not wkbk pages) 3 matching @ verb ir

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.21(not wkbk pages) 4 fill in blanks @ ser vs estar verbs

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.25(not wkbk pages) 4 conjugate present tense

student edition TEXTBOOK...lección PRELIMINAR.....Did you get it? P.28(not wkbk pages) 4 fill in blank

Repaso de la lección

another quick review made by Nazario


my.hrw..... student resources....Leccion PRELIMINAR....review.... ....Self-Check Quizzes


go to ebook link https://my.hrw.com/.... PROGRAM resources....@HomeTutor...level a/b/c....lección PRELIMINAR

(instructions to access and screenshot of each task)............Video explaining how to get to HOME TUTORING that aligns with these instructions

Home TUTOR. Level A, lección PRELIMINAR Grammar práctica 1-9 . (task of each level A,B,C of difficulty)

Performance based Learning, write and speaking task:

un poco de mi (class template for teachers) Speaking presentation below

About me/un poco de mi Sp2 ‎(classmates TEMPLATE)‎

Review site for Spanish 1 proficiency

National Spanish Exam practice tests: www.tinyurl.com/practice4final

All tests are password protected. Teacher will let you know secret word when your supervised to take the test. Each time you start a test, it randomly select a different version of the test using question banks of each content.

Teacher zone:

RD2 sample template


STANDARDS: 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Application of grammar and vocabulary in real life scenario in a cultural content.

OBJECTIVES (indicators of learning): I know how to talk about what is happening around me.


NM.IC.6 I can communicate basic information about myself and people I know.

NM.PS.5 I can present simple information about something I learned using words, phrases, and memorized expressions

NM.PW.1 I can fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.

Build engagement/Activate prior knowledge: conjugation of basic verbs in the present tense AND Stem-changing verbs

Direct Instruction with modeling:

Guided and/Independent practice:

Closure: what are the differences between regular and stem-change verbs?