Spanish children's books

Children's Books in Spanish project for level 2&3

(recommended site ( with or or

(for images to be saved in piccassa in school use using chromebooks )

Project: Spanish Children’s book (worth 110 total points)

Structure: Spanish 2 (application of the present, preterite and the imperfect tense sentence)

Spanish 3 (application of Level 2 knowledge and the past perfect & present perfect tense)


1. Write a simplified version of a fairy tale or create your own story.

Cover only the main events of the story. Write the story in your own words.

Change the story to include Spanish culture.

Narrate using the sentence structure recommended for your level. KEEP IT SIMPLE.

2. Submit an theme & outline of your story in English (5 points).

3. Submit a draft in Spanish to be corrected/graded. (20 pts) Late: 5 points per day during class time.

Draft must be 20 full typed lines, double spaced using font 12 of Ariel. min of 15 varied verbs.

20 lines at 1pts each = 20pts. (No more than 25 lines will be accepted.)

4. Submit your Spanish children's book. (60 pts) Late: 15 points one day, 20 point 2nd day, during class time. (No project accepted after 2 days late)

PAPER BOOKS: Use plain, unlined paper. Must be typed / use black ink.

Illustrate each page. (Max. 8 pages front and back.)

Use an attractive front and back cover. Must be durable book.

Include a final draft (with teacher's corrections) inside your book.

E-BOOK FORMAT: (approved by teacher), will turn in draft to teacher for grading purposed of the final product.

Product must use free domain images in their e-book. Teacher must be given link the day of due date.

AUDIO must be included to access Spanish fluency of the student instead of oral presentation in front of the class.

Chromebook App Mundo EMilia is very good to see sample books

Students' sample work

Stephanie Hornsby, a Spanish 3cp student, created a children's e-book for her class project. Her story applies the use of preterite versus imperfect in Spanish as covered in the class. She created each image used for her book using photoshop software. The story is Little Ridding Hood with a twist.

Students all or portion of their oral presentation of their children's book created for the class.

Sample of stories: (must have stories approved)

Snow White (Blanca Nieve)

3 little pigs (los tres ositos)

Goldie locks (Rocitos de oro y los tres osos)

Tale of Peter Rabbit (Pedro el conejo)

Curious George (series)

Red Clifford (series)

Peter Pan

Where the wild things are (Donde vivían los monstruos)

Horton hears a Who



Little Red Ridding hood (la caperucita roja)

Green eggs and ham (huevos verde y jamon)

Rainbow fish

Winnie Pooh (series)

Veggie Tales (series)

The boy that cried wolf



Curious George (series)

Little Mermaid (la Sirenita)

The Grinch (El Guñón)

Princess and the Frog

The beauty and the beast (La bella y la bestía)

the princess and the pauper (la bella y la plebella)

Spanish 3 cp Semester 2 of 2012-2013

digitized children's stories

Jenny's @

Nicoles's @

Ethan's @


Joy's @

Jordan G's @

Brice's @

Darius' @ (can not login, share/make public)

Virginia's @ (can not login, share/make public)

Meghan's @

Jordan B's @ (1/2 audio missing)