Maptools Macros

"Macros" are buttons in Maptools that you can click to output something to the Chat window. They can include text and dice rolls.

First, click on your token and then select Windows > Selected from the menu in Maptools. You'll be creating Macro buttons in this Selected window.

Right-click in the "No macros" area and select New Macro. You'll get a button that says (new).

Right-click on that (new) button and select Edit. You'll see this:

Label: Is the text that will appear on the button. Make it anything you want.

Group: Is handy if you have a bunchof buttons and want to group them together. You could have a "Skills" group and an "Attack" group if you wanted.

Sort Prefix: Controls how the buttons sort, you can skip it.

Hot Key: Any hot key you'd like to put on the button or leave it at None.

Command: What you enter here is sent to the chat window. Anything you do in the chat window, you can enter here. This also supports HTML if you want to do some fancy formatting of any type (<b> - makes something bold, <Br> gives you a new line). Important: Macros seem to only like curly brackets for dice rolls, not square brackets.

So a Savage Worlds skill check command might have a command of:

Repair skill, rolled: {1d10e} and Wild Die of {1d6e}

A Savage Worlds attack roll command could look like:

Opens fire with his Widowmaker!<br>

<b>Shooting</b>: {1d8e}, Wild Die: {1d6e}<br>

<b>Damage</b>: {2d6e} with an extra {1d6e} on a raise.