
A Savage Worlds Cyberpunk campaign.


As the governments fell and corporations began to take over, some two bit egghead came up with the term "Conurbanation" - the area comprising the secure core that the corporations hold, their outlying areas, and the nearby uncontrolled areas. The vairous areas are described as:

The Core: The areas firmly under the control of the corporations. This area is heavily patrolled by heavily armed security forces. Unauthorized displays of arms are not tolerated, quickly investigated, and put down.

The Periphery: Areas that are still considered part of the "civilized" areas but of much less importance to the core. Some security forces, but the people here mostly have to take security into their own hands. Displays of weapons are common.

The Dregs: Areas not of interest to the core at all. Anarchy and fending for yourself is the general rule.

The Front Range

The Conurbanation for this campaign is known as The Front Range.

The Core: Consists of the greater Denver & Boulder area, though no proper resident of The Core mentions Boulder anymore - it has simply become part of Denver.

The Periphery: To the North is Fort Collins. It's academic worth keeps it of interest to The Core. To the east lies Farmland - of worth to The Core only because it feeds the inhabitants of The Core. To the south lies The Springs - the anti-science bent of it's religious inhabitants keeps it from being of us to The Core and the nationalists of The Academy refuse to recognize corporate rule. It remains of use to The Core only because of a number of strong military installations.

The Dregs: Southern Dregs is made up of the south side of The Springs and everything farther south while the West Dregs and the mountain regions - home to the Hippies pushed out of Boulder, the tea party Patriots so worried about government takeover they never saw the corporations coming, and other fiercely independent people.

The Resorts: The wealthy citizens of The Core weren't able to claim all of the mountains for themselves but they did manage to secure some areas of the mountains for themselves. These are highly secure, walled off compounds, only available to The Core's wealthiest residents. Resort Evergreen is where the wealthiest live while Resort Vail is home to their skiing and summer homes.