
Travel per day is pace (of slowest) x 4 in miles (pace 6 = 24 miles / day)

Swamp around Pridon's is basically difficult terrain. 12 miles to cross a hex. 24 miles of work to fully explore a hex.

House rule: 4 legged animals are encumbered at x2 carrying weight. So:

Mule: d8, 120

Light Horse: d12, 200

Heavy Horse: d12+1, 220

Rations: .5 lb, 1gp / 1 day

Animal Feed: 4lb, .05gp / day (Needed? Do they just graze? In a swamp?)

New item: Exploration Kit: 40lbs, everything an exploring adventurer would need. Block & tackle, tents, lots of torches, extra rope, pitons, fishing line, a whole mess of 10' poles, etc.


One person can only take one role. If a role is not filled, it is considered failed. You can support a role, but then can't take a role yourself. We roll these in order.

Mule Train (Riding): If have pack animals, have to wrangle them.

Success: Not a problem

Raise: +2 to subsequent roll

Failure: -25% to distance covered or -2 to one other roll

Modifiers: Mules are -1 ornery

Scout (Survival): Navigate the terrain and avoid danger.

Success: Make normal time

Raise: 50% bonus in distance covered or +2 to one other roll

Fail: 50% decrease in time or all characters make a Vigor check, failure gives Fatigue.

Modifier: -2 unexplored terrain, Follow River +2

Hunter (Survival): Find food for the group

Success: Feeds 1 person

Raise: Feeds 5 person

Failure: No luck

Modifier: Swamp -2, Follow River +2

Lookout (Notice): Be on the lookout for a planned or random encounter

Success: Encounter starts at normal distance, everyone aware

Raise: Can Stealth to avoid the combat or start with surprise

Failure: Kind of surprised. Deal initiative cards as normal. Have to make Notice check to act on your card. Encounter starts close range.

Other roles: Resting on horseback to recover power points, studying tomes, crafting, or doing other things means you can't take a role or support.

End of Day: Swamp exploration is arduous. Vigor roll each day or get a level of fatigue. Rest is difficult in the swamp. If full night rest (no guard duty), Vigor roll can recover fatigue (Teekana has Relief which will make this largely irrelevant?)