

Keyboard Commands

Ping a spot: Hold down the left-mouse button.

Click a Token, Press Spacebar - Shows where the token previously was

Pressing Up/Down in the Chat window will cycle through entries you previously made in the chat window.

Character sheets: Shift+Double-click a token to open the character sheet. You can double-click a character sheet at the top to minimize it and double-click to bring it back.

If You're New to the Campaign

There are a couple things you'll want to setup:

  • In the Journal section (top right, icon looks like a newspaper), you should find an entry for Blank Character. You'll want to edit that and enter your information on the character sheet you'll find there. This enables the token macros buttons (the ones on the top bar) to work. Be sure to check the little checkbox for skills you are trained in.

  • Be sure to include a picture of your character in the journal. If you want a different picture for your token, get that to Todd.

  • In the settings tab (looks like a gear), click "In Bar" for the following: Trait + Wild, Melee Damage, Ranged Damage, 1d4-2, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12. These buttons then show up on the bottom bar (the macro bar) which gives you an easy way to make quick rolls that the token bar doesn't cover.

  • Add todd.landrum in Evergreen, CO to Skype.

There are several macros in the campaign that are tied to your character sheet. They'll appear at the top of your Roll20 screen. The settings tab mentioned above gives you buttons at the bottom of your screen for generic die rolling. Your final setup should look like the screenshot below. If you are typing in die rolls, then you're doing it wrong and slowing down the game.

GM Keyboard Commands

Center Player View: Shift+Ping - Forces the players map to the spot the GM does this on.

Ctrl+O: token

Ctrl+K: GM

Ctrl+M: Map

Ctrl+S: Select Tool

Ctrl+L: View as the players do

Shift+Z: Gm shows large version of graphic to players


All of this below here is old stuff. Ignore it.


Token Bar

Secondly, you can create custom macros for just your specific token. If you got some weird attack you use a lot (frenzy, taunt + attack, etc.), create a macro for it so that you can quickly roll it and the game can move along smoothly. To create these:

  • Click the Journal tab (looks like a newspaper)

  • Click your character

  • Click the Attributes & Abilities tab

  • Click Edit at the top of the page.

Now you can create/edit token macros. IMPORTANT: You want to create macros in the Abilities section, not the Attributes section.

To create a new one, you would:

  • Click the Add button and it puts an "Untitled Ability" in the list

  • Click the pencil button next to it.

  • You can now change the name

  • Click the "Show As Token Action" so that it shows in the Token bar at the top of the screen when you click on your token.

  • In the box, you can then enter the macro itself. See below.

How to Create Macro

Now that you have the Token Macro, what can you put in there? Generally, you can enter things as you do in the chat window. This first section below explains how to do macros yourself. The Common Macros section has some stuff that you can just copy, paste, and tweak.

For simple dice rolls, we use the "inline" notation which just gives a result (! makes it exploding):


You can include text with that or multiple rolls:

Amazing man attacks, shooting: [[1d6!]], for [[2d6+1!]] damage!

To have the program choose between a roll and a wild die, use you "keep highest" notation:

Intimidation [[{1d8!, 1d6!}kh1]]

To have the program ask you for a modifier when you do this ('Modifier' is the text that will pop up, 0 is the default. You can change these to whatever you want):

Intimidation [[{1d8!, 1d6!}kh1 + ?{Modifier|0}]]

Macros can also reference the Attributes and Skills on a character sheet. So if you have an Attribute called 'Agility', the macro below will roll the die for the attribute (so this says, take the selected token, roll a 1dX where X is the Agility attribute and then also roll a 1d6 and keep the highest result):

Agility [[{1d@{Selected|Agility}!, 1d6!}kh1]]

And, the final most complicated one, make an agility roll using the attribute section, add a modifer, and subtract wounds and fatigue from that roll:

Agility [[{1d@{Selected|Agility}!, 1d6!}kh1 + ?{Modifier|0} -@{Selected|Wounds}[Wounds] -@{Selected|Fatigue}[Fatigue] ]]

Some Common Macros

Here are some macros that might come up. The underlined section is stuff you would want to change.

Make a roll using an attribute or skill:

Agility roll! [[{1d@{Selected|Agility}!, 1d6!}kh1 + ?{Modifier|0} -@{Selected|Wounds}[Wounds] -@{Selected|Fatigue}[Fatigue] ]]

You can combine multiple lines together. Here's a Fighting attack including damage dice:

I attack! Fighting attack! [[{1d@{Selected|Fighting}!, 1d6!}kh1 + ?{Modifier|0} -@{Selected|Wounds}[Wounds] -@{Selected|Fatigue}[Fatigue] ]]

Damge is [[1d@{Selected|Strength}!]] and Raise: [[1d6!]]

A whole list of macros can be found here.

Uploading Custom Music

Yes - but you have to create an account with Soundcloud first. Anything you upload to Soundcloud must be marked as "public" when you upload it. After you upload a track and make it public, click on the "Share" link to find the exact web address the track is stored at on Soundcloud. Copy that address and then once in Roll20, search for the copied'll take you right to the specific track.

Legally speaking, since you're uploading a file to the public, you need to make sure you have an appropriate license or rights to do so.

Aligning a Map Grid