Pridon's Hearth

Season 1: 8/18/22 - 12/15/22

Players: Todd (GM), Andy (Leonric Cantor, Human Fighter, River Kingdoms Noble, Mercenary), Scott/SalonDagon (Wyll Tynell, Human Wizard from Druma), Dan/DanR (Teekana, Half-orc Cleric of Gozreh), Matthew/lexington296 (Cobalt, Elven bard).

Novice character, normal starting gold.

Characters don't need to know each other. At the start, you're onboard the Kaava Cutter heading for Pridon's Hearth. Your character needs a reason to go to this small, far out of the way, swamp settlement. Maybe you're looking for riches, maybe you're running from a past, or maybe you have another reason. Additionally, the campaign needs you to care about this outpost so that when the sheriff comes needing a favor, you should be the type of person that wants to help.


A Sargavan prospector named Rema Pridon, for reasons unknown, became convinced the Korir River delta had to have gold deposits. He sailed South and founded a small outpost he named after himself. Rema and his company lasted 2 years before they all died of malaria. No gold was found and the settlement became known as Pridon's Folly.

The outpost remained forgotten for over 10 years until a Chelaxian noble, Count Servius Narsus, was given rights to the land. Grieving the death of his wife and wanting to escape Chelaxian royal courts, Count Narsus sailed to the outpost with his only son, money, supplies, and slaves. With hardwork (by the slaves), they built a ridiculously grand mansion (at least for the region), the town's only stone structure - the unimaginatively named Stonehouse Inn and Tavern, docks and farms. Through mistranslation, the area became known as Pridon's Hearth.

This lasted for three years until Count Narsus also died of malaria. His son, Lethar, took over. Lethar, being a somewhat... ah..., unique Chelaxian, freed all of his father's slaves and let the other residents of the Hearth pursue their own interests. Lethar's rule plodded on aimlessly for three years and it looked like Pridon's Hearth might once again fail.

That's when some enterprising loggers discovered that the bark of Fever Tree was an effective medicine against the tropical diseases of Sargava. With a honest to goodness export, Pridon's Hearth has entered a boom period like no other. Sure, the 300 residents are still sleeping in tents or barely standing wooden structures. Yes, all of the streets are little more than muddy bogs. Of course, the beasts of the jungle are still regularly eating livestock and the occasional farmer. But a boom time has certainly started... or is at least just around the corner.

And word has gotten out. Word is that there are riches to be made in Pridon's Hearth. Word is that Count Lethar Narsus will grant land and title to those who can help settle this wilderness. Word is that Pridon's Hearth is a long, long way from anything resembling civilization for those who are looking to escape something in the past. One of those reasons applies to you and you've boarded the Kaava Cutter for Pridon's Hearth.

Some NPCs You'll Meet or Maybe You Know

Count Lethar Narsus: Chelaxian noble, ruler of Pridon's Hearth

Adaela Praet: Sheriff, her brother Jheri "One Arm" Praet has a plantation

Baldra Sifreth: Banker of Abadar, Quinn Vanicus is her assistant

Heri Lightstep: Local alchemist

Vethron Valgardson: Smith

Mirya and Cassia Oyin: Exporter and general store owners

Magdi Kukoyi, priest of Gozreh and his apprentice Kanjo Arram

Some thoughts on swamp exploration.

Season 1

Episode 1: The journey to Pridon's Reach is complicated by a giant crab and a brush with the Eye of Abendigo where they save Gallio's treasure.

Episode 2: PCs get into the harvesting of fever tree bark for Henri Lightstep. Fort Breakthrough has gone quiet and Sheriff Adaela sends them to check things out.

Episode 3: They find the Fort attacked and most everyone dead. Evidence points to the involvement of the Song'O halflings that live in the jungle and some sort of lizardfolk involvement.

Episode 4: The PCs return to Pridon's Hearth as a powerful, unnatural storm bears down on the fragile town. In addition to shoring up and getting people to safety, the PCs drive off a troll, rescue Annabell's cat Mr Oso from some water elementals, insult Henri Lightstep, and defeat a group of lizardfolk that seemed to be controlling the storm in some way.

Episode 5: As the storm set in, The Emerald Eye set sail to try and get away. The PCs are sent to see if it made it. It did not. Strangely, the crew has already risen as zombies and two members, including Ozzz?, have risen as some sort of evil water-based undead.
Returning to Pridon's Reach, the PCs are summoned to a council of Count Narsus, his assistant Hanna Hadsby, the sheriff, and Banker Sifreth. Being the capable soles they are, they are tasked with rooting out this lizardfolk menace that is plaguing the town. The sheriff suggests two places to the North where the lizardfolk have hidden out. Hanna is not convinced the Song'o halflings aren't involved and want them dealt with. Other townspeople give them other errands they might run as they are out and about.

Episode 6: PCs are given a warm send off by the Sheriff, Banker Silfreth, and the Count. They first stop to check on Sheriff Praeta's brother at his plantation where they run into a grey ooze. Once defeated, they rescue Jehri from his closet and escort him back to Pridon's Reach. Leonric is dubbed the "ass whisperer" for his excellent work in herding the mules.

Episode 7: An epic battle to escape the mother of all quicksand bogs before the reach the Ghul Gan ruins where a battle with a shambling mound occurs. There are signs that the lizardfolk visit this place in the spring, but no recent sign of any lizard folk around. The PCs find a blocked staircase which Teekana circumvents by turning into a earth elemental and tunneling through.

Episode 8: In the Ghul Gan basement, they battle a mimic that had made a home there and then find a Ghul Gan worship chamber still protected by a skeletal cyclopes. They opt to follow the river in-land from there to try the tar pits being the next thing to check out.

Episode 9: At the tar pits, they meet a group of lizardfolk that were expelled from the tribe. They learn that the tribe Shaman, Darthuk, has acquired power from some old ruins and is effectively leading the tribe. The get directions to where the tribe is.

Episode 10: Assorted jungle monsters and failed vigor checks traveling throug the jungle. The party is shadow'd by a group of halflings. When they make camp, the halflings sneak in to steal from the packs. The PCs dispatch them with vengenance.

Episode 11: The PCs find the lizardfolk camp. They sneak in, kill some guards, rescue an elf cleric of Gozreh being held hostage. They wrestle the former chieftain who agrees to take them to the new chief to plead their case. They fail to convince the chief who orders them to return to Pridon's Hearth and tell the people to clear out before the lizardfolk wipe them out. The PCs take the threat poorly and, with diplomacy failed, decide to settle things with swords. It's a battle, but they defeat the lizardfolk tribe.

Episode 12: More exploring through the Stromkindler ruins and they discover the amulter they need to access the secret doors. They head downstairs wher they discover the Storm Engine - a giant magical device that is powering the storms threatening Pridon's Hearth.