Uthik's Journal


Having reached Restov, I immediately sought out shelter and food to assuage my fatigue and force my grief to fade beneath a haze of alcohol. The found my way to an inn that several of the locals recommended at which I was able to procure a halfling-sized room above the kitchens. It stank of leeks and onions and rivaled Asmodeus’ realm in terms of heat, but a handful of coppers will only stretch so far. The wine was sour and strong and made for a rude companion the next morning, but it kept the images of my father from the forefront of my mind and that was an agreeable arrangement.

It didn’t take long, however, to realize that my current path was leading nowhere and I felt ashamed to dishonor my father’s memory in this self-enforced complacency. After a long day of shedding the effects of my libational pastimes, I sought out the Swordlords.


After several days, I have been provided with a charter to assist a group of individuals with the removal of bandits from the Greenbelt. I am certain my father would insist that they were helping me, but I fail to recognize the difference. My companions all seem to see themselves as actors playing the leading roles of their own plays. I find their lack of attention to me refreshing compared to the flattery and devotion paid to me by my clan that always seemed to lack purpose or reason.

Where I have no doubt that my knowledge of the surrounding lands, the cultures of its peoples, and the myriad of dangers we might encounter will be of benefit, I wonder how I will react when my spells and arrows are aimed at sentient beings. A part of me though, a deep, dark shadow buried beneath many walls, relishes the opportunity to avenge my father and friends...


Success! Three days into our campaign and we have already seen progress toward positive change in this area. I am not naive enough to believe that we have accomplished any lasting effect, but we have rattled the bushes enough that we may flush out some of the larger prey soon. My companions accounted themselves well in the battles, and despite my former misgivings, I found my years of training to be all that was required for me to do my part. The only weakness seemed to be in our front line fighter, Buzz. A complex heart beats within a simple surface in that one. The ferocity with which he attacked was balanced only by the compassion he then showed once battle had ended. In our most recent battle, he nearly fell, but that I think was due more to the fact that I had enlarged him and made him a more tantalizing target for the bandit’s arrows. Luckily, our healer Jaerek was able to tend his wounds after fishing himself out of the stream.

The entire series of events thus far have provided glimpses into the nature of my companions that I find reassuring. Good fortune, however, breeds complimentary dispositions. I wonder if our demeanor will be so affable in the face of adversity.