1.6 Technological Horizon

1.6 The Technological Horizon

  • Objectives:What are the key important elements of innovation and invention in the modern world?
  • How do innovations go from concept to product?
  • What are some of the implications of new technologies both positive and negative?
  • What are some specific inventions or innovations that will be coming to fruition in the near future?

First, lets take a trip down memory lane....when cell phones were new.

Malcolm Gladwell is an expert on on innovation. He has written several popular books and a large body of articles for several important magazines. His insights on "big picture" issues and the importance of understanding the right questions is impressive. After we watch a short TED talk you should read the article "Creation Myth" linked to the page at the bottom. Evaluate what strategies he suggests for innovation and our quest for a "better way."

Another important innovator and thinker is Ray Kurzweil. His first claim to fame was being one of the first people to program a computer to write music. When Stevie Wonder became interested in one of Kurzweil's other inventions, a device that would read to blind people, his future as an inventor was sealed. Read this Time Magazine article about Ray Kurzweil and his speculation about the future of computing.

Evaluation of the advancement of computer technology will be judged using The Turing Test.

Please respond to this discussion question for tomorrow.

What areas do you think we need to innovate our technology? What do you think are the key factors to generating new ideas and how can we stimulate them in the area that you suggest?

Your Task:

The next innovation in technology is probably being developed right now. Several new ideas are being explored in materials development, energy management, and process automation. Each one of these areas has several exciting and compelling new ideas to explore. Each one of you is going to participate in a marketing campaign for bank funding. You will be assigned a product and will be required to make a case for investors to back your idea with their cash. Consider how the concept or idea has to be sold to investors and consumers alike. Explain the science behind the idea and the practical implications of the development in the marketplace. Make sure you explain the challenges that still remain for your product and the potential hazards investors could expect.

Smarter Magnets

Competing Innovations-Presentation Template


Cloud Computing/Cloud Networking

3D Printing

Personal Genomics


Self-Driving Cars

Drones or UAV's

Rise of the Hackers- Along with all the potential benefits and unexpected challenges the new technologies will provide there will also be predictable dangers and challenges to confront. The rise of computing has generated a new class of criminals that use technological connections to commit crimes. This episode of NOVA shows some of their methods and the efforts that are being taken to stop them.

The furthest that Man's Creations Have Reached- The Voyager spacecraft is an amazing accomplishment and a historic artifact.