5.4 Disasters, Human and Natural

Essential Question(s)

  • How do the causes of disasters, both natural and man-made point to the differences between the developed and developing worlds?
  • How do the responses to these disasters reflect the same differences?

Disasters are by their nature uncommon and often much more destructive than people expect. The causes, responses, effects, and eventual recoveries can vary for a host of reasons. In this unit we are going to examine some of the most damaging and important natural disasters in recent history. We will also examine the potential disasters that have not occurred yet.

Click this link to see how hurricanes are created

First we will focus on the preparedness aspect of disasters. How do communities in vulnerable locations increase their success rates in the face of inevitable disasters and make their locations more responsive to natural challenges. Take the time to play the "Disaster Preparedness Game" below and do your best to understand the parameters of disaster preparation. When you have finished you should respond to the discussion post on the class blog about natural disasters. After the disaster of Hurricane Harvey some new debate has emerged about preparedness levels and the amount of funding that should be provided. Please take a moment to read about the way that government planners devote resources to potential disasters and how that might change.

Two recent disasters compared side by side help to explain how the type of disaster is important but other factors such as preparedness, building or environmental codes, and national wealth determine how disastrous the disaster will be. The hurricane that struck New Orleans in 2005 has become an interesting and important example of disaster and response her in America. The earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010 illustrates how local conditions exacerbated and amplified yet another tragedy for the Haitians.

Before we examine some real disasters and their impacts visit the linked page at the bottom of this page to play a preparation and management simulation. Be sure to pay close attention to the criteria stressed in the game in order to understand how disasters are managed.

Disaster Preparedness Post

Please answer on Google Classroom Platform:

What are the key things that you learned about how vulnerable locations are exposed to natural disasters. What measures seemed most important for your scenario's disaster mitigation. Please be specific to your assigned disaster.

Disaster Response

The immediate after affects of a disaster usually garner immense publicity and an outpouring of help. However, soon after attention and help begin to taper off and even stop. In both Haiti and New Orleans the aftermaths of their disasters proves that successful recovery requires almost more work that preparation and response. Let's take a look at the challenges that still remain for both sets of victims.

Disasters are inevitable for human populations. We watched the unfolding and evolving nature of two disasters in this unit. What are some of the common aspects of the responses in New Orleans and Haiti to these two horrific incidents? What are some of the key differences?

Please read this newly added piece about the differences between weather forecasting today and at the turn of the 20th Century.

Also read this article about how one of the most flood endangered countries on the planet has come to terms with the threats.

Read this article about how houses can be retrofitted with a system that allows them to float in a flood.

Read this article to find out how vulnerable San Francisco is to a major earthquake.

Unit 5 Final Assessment Unit Website

It is your job to research, assess, and evaluate the response to a disaster of your choice. The event that you choose must be large enough to have been covered in national or international press and must be well-studied. Identify the weaknesses and structural problems that created vulnerabilities, examine what types of preparations were in place and those which were missing. Consider the successes in managing the disaster and the shortcoming within the system. Finally, analyze how the region, city, or institution affected has recovered and laid the groundwork for better responses in the future.

Grade Criteria

Content Criteria

  • Appropriate Disaster Chosen
  • Pre-conditions and vulnerabilities examined and a clear description of the preparedness level are included
  • Disaster narrative is included that describes the type of disaster and the damage to both lives and property is described. (Keep in mind that post-disaster problems are part of the disaster)
  • Post disaster efforts and challenges are evaluated and next-disaster mitigation efforts highlighted
  • Be sure to evaluate the monetary and human costs of the disaster.

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