1.3 The Informed Citizen

Local, National and Global- Where Does Your T-Shirt Come From?

Key Questions:

  • How did Bangladesh become such a poor country?
  • What are reasons that textile manufacturing moved to Bangladesh?
  • What are the conditions in the factories of Bangladesh?
  • What are the benefits of textile manufacturing to average people in Bangladesh?

Many of the topics that we will cover will have local, national, and global implications. In ALL sections students will need to reflect this understanding and demonstrate they can use these various perspectives to analyze the topics.

Bangladesh is a very poor country that used to be part of the British Empire. When the Indian Sub-continent realized their independence in 1947 several new countries were formed. India, Pakistan, and then Bangladesh came into existence as relatively poor and undeveloped states. Over a half of century later the increasing availability of cheap transportation and cheap labor made Bangladesh and many other poor countries desirable locations for manufacturing. In this unit we examine the benefits and pitfalls of development and consider the implication for countries such as Bangladesh in the future. First, we will listen to this piece from a show called "Planet Money" on National Public Radio.

Now, let's examine one of my favorite products! Coffee! A drink with magical properties and a fascinating history and a challenging future.

We will watch two clips that have a similar topic but approach it in very different manners..

Choose a product that you think was made in a manner similar to what you have seen on this page (cell phones, computers, any clothing items, shoes, sporting goods such as soccer balls). It can be any consumer item that was manufactured abroad. Research the origin, processes, and conditions under which this item is created. Evaluate the impact that our consumption has on the people that produce the item(s). Be sure to take notes and because as you have do your research you will create a set of presentation slides to share your findings with the other members of your class. Please use the accompanying organizer to keep track of the details so that your presentation reflects an understanding of the issues. Each group must create a bibliography that will be used to cite all sources used.

Your Cellphone Contains Materials That Are Causing Misery

Product Groups

  1. Diamonds
  2. Tantalum
  3. Sugar
  4. Chocolate
  5. Copper
  6. Rubber
  7. Shrimp

Presentation Format Link


How Does the Gold in Your Iphone Support Lawlessness?

Photo Essay from Bangladesh

Life of Labor in Bangladesh

Informed Citizen Presentation

The Scary Truth About Your Iphone

Where Iphones are Born