2.1 Who Wants Some KFC? Cultural Diffusion and the Shrinking Global Village

The rise of telecommunications, transportation improvements, and market innovations have created single global brands, stimulated industry and manufacturing expansion, and connected diverse peoples through their common consumption habit. One striking example of this trend can be found in the converging dietary preferences and food choices of the world's peoples.

The McDonaldization of Society

  • Efficiency
  • Calculability
  • Predictability
  • Control

While the process of globalization has provided many benefits and commonalities it has also become very destructive to the local cultures that must compete with trends and products that are globally powerful, more economically strong, or marketed in a manner that is hard to compete with. Please visit this page and this page read the analysis of globalization through the lens of classic sociology. Consider your own experiences and opportunities and evaluate whether you think globalization has been good for our region or detrimental to local businesses. For example, what types of restaurants do you have available and do they reflect local brands or national or multinational companies?

American Samoa and the Changing Diet on the Planet

When Cultural Choices Change the Globe

Read this article to get a sense of how truly damaging the invasion of snakes has been to the Florida biosphere.

Global Change and Indigenous Society

After you have read the article, watched the video, and evaluated the parameters of "McDonaldization" please post to this discussion thread.

Lastly, McDonald's certainly has been mentioned a lot when considering global trends and some of the consequences of interconnections between the world's cultures. But, they should also be shown a degree of respect for meeting the demands of their customers.