2.5 Migrations and Exodus

Essential Question(s)- Why do diverse peoples around the world choose to move and how does their movement affect the places they go and the places that they left?

Shantytowns, Slums, and Flavelas

These photos and the essay that accompanies them represent some of the poorest regions of the world. What "push factors" can you identify that would make people want to leave those communities? What are some of the "pull factors" that would put them there in the first place?

For a vast amount of people in the world's poorest regions live without property or legal standing. Evaluate how new technology has allowed these communities to appear on maps and gain standing. Visit the link below to read the article and examine the attachments. When you are done visit the class discussion page and add your thoughts.

The American Out Immigration Dilema- Detroit

In 1930 Detroit was the fastest growing city in the world. Today it is the fastest shrinking city in America. This massive decline reflects the changing national and international labor shift that we have already addressed in class. Our focus today is on what we can learn from the Detroit scenario and how can we apply this to the future.