2.2 Globalization's Winners and Losers

Essential Question(s)

  • How does the global supply chain work?
  • How does the search for low-cost labor provide consumer choices and promote both unsafe labor conditions AND an opportunity for economic advancement?
  • What are the cultural costs of globalization and what can be done to balance development with tradition?

We have already taken a brief look at Globalization through the Thomas Friedman "World is Flat" essay and presentation. However, the predictions that Friedman made and the place from which he made his predictions (several year ago) allow room to continue to explore this trend and consider the ways in which the ever shrinking world can be observed.


One particularly interesting and promising aspect of globalization is the spread of capital to smaller and less well established business and entrepreneurs. Micro-lending has become one of the key ways to extend opportunity to formerly forgotten regions and stimulate free markets and individual agency as a way to succeed. Please follow this link to read about the birth of Micro-Lending and way that it is combining the the most recent types of technology to promote investment and self-reliance.

In-class reading

Micro-lending and Globalization

The Creator of Micro Lending- Muhummad Yunus

Generally, when we think of Globalization we imagine that most of the benefits and progress flow from the "developed" world to those in the "developing" world. However, micro lending provides an interesting case of "bounce back" in which something designed or intended to help or support someone in another region or part of the world actually ends up being employed here. Please watch this video clip to see how micro lending is establishing a foothold in America for Americans.

Micro-Lending and the American Dream

The largest organization in the micro lending business is a company called Kiva. They have been loaning money around the world for several years and are considered by many sources to be very successful. The organization is not without controversy and several critics have pointed to shortcomings or problems within the Kiva. However, these criticisms have been addressed the the Kiva organization continues to grow.

You and your team are going to choose an investment project for me to sink my money into for the year. Go to the Kiva sight and find a project that you and your partners agree is worthy. Prepare a short proposal for the class to make the case that I should fund your project. Please use this template and either make more slides or share a document with me. The winners will receive a reward and the chosen borrowers will get a portion of a loan from me (and us if you choose to contribute).