Unit 3-Enviromentalism and the Future

The debate about the global environment is very sharp and divided in the modern era. After a century of massive expansion the rates of consumption and extraction are higher than they have ever been. Our study of the environment will focus on the use and misuse of key resources and an examination of potential future scenarios related to production, consumption, and disposal.

One of our early units, Globalization, focused on how we have brought the planet into one large community. This has had profound on the environmental mosaic that we all share. Consider the fate of these bees as an example of the implications of connecting habitats.

We will examine energy issues and the environmental impact in a later unit. Before we start examining individual issues we will watch the first episode of a groundbreaking series called "Years of Living Dangerously." This will introduce us to some of the key issues and trends that challenge our environmental mosaic. Before we watch the episode please read this review in the New York Times. You may recognize one the chief proponents of this project from our last unit.

Climate Change in 2018- Choose a story that you think is most urgent related to climate change. Be prepared to discuss the implications with the class.

Climate Change Is Urgent- UN Report

Dogs- Invasive Species of Most Impact

Climate Change Information

The issue of climate change is the most critical issue of your generation. A scientific consensus has developed around the theory that humans and their behaviors are impacting the planet. This comprehensive survey of attitudes across the country represents the challenge that still remains in educating people about the reality of climate science.

Please examine this survey to assess how American view climate change.

Climate Change Simulation

Climate Change Simulation-Big Board

Climate Change Simulation- Facilitator Material

3.2 What does Sustainability Look Like?3.3 Water Everywhere?3.4 What Are You Eating?3.5 That's Garbage

Good News Network Environmental Stories- Use this link to find out about things that are happening in the environment that are positive or uplifting. Please feel free to find other topics and ask me for help.

Good News on the Environment Website Post

Studying the environment is a difficult and depressing topic when you consider all that is going wrong and how little may be going right. In order to counter this constant march of negative news I am asking for an environmental success story. Find an environmental issues that has some hope or promise and make a website post about it. For example, is there a species that has been saved from extinction? Is there a stream or river that has been saved? Are there materials that have been stopped from being manufactured because of their impact? Find some good news!

Grade Criteria

Content Criteria ______/40

    • Environmental Issue and Solution Explained
    • Causes of the original problem are highlighted and recognition of the problem is considered
    • Political and social consideration of the problem are evaluated
    • Specific solutions or changes that are working are described
    • Side-effects, benefits, and possible unanticipated consequences are acknowledged

Page Layout ______/20

    • 4-6 Pictures showing the environmental issue, its consequences, and the solution
    • Embedded movie on page
  • Maps and/or Chart.