3.2 What Does Sustainability Look Like?

Essential Question(s)-

  • What is sustainability?
  • How is sustainability measured?
  • What changes would it take to have sustainable development compared to the present path?
  • What are they key events in the emerging environmental awareness trend?

The world is becoming a very crowded place. The massive uptick in the population has created vast cities and incredibly varied levels of economic attainment. As we examine the repercussions of this developmental surge we must consider the implications of consumption. How can everyone on the planet access the resources that they need without depleting the planet for others now or in the future. As you see in the video above standards of living differ greatly from place to place.

  • Who is living below sustainability
  • Who is far above sustainability
  • What country is the most responsible about their levels of achievement and sustainability?

The Story of Stuff

This film attracted a lot of criticisms from people who felt that it was misrepresenting the realities of the modern world. Take a look at their concerns.

One way to reduce waste and lessen the toll on the planet is to more effectively use our waste. Some countries such as Japan, have drastically altered their impact through stringent garbage management strategies that have allowed them to use almost all the waste that their population generates. The city of San Francisco is attempting to emulate that success in their waste management program. This video will highlight their strategies and challenges.

The strategy of separating and sorting garbage is most useful for providing raw materials for reuse. This short video highlights how the process works for one material.

The Industry of Recycling

One of the most dangerous and commonly generated pollutants is carbon emissions. This worldwide phenomenon can be attributed to many things. Combustion engines, slash and burn agriculture, and energy generation contribute the most to rising global temperatures. Take a few minutes to find out what you and your family generate in carbon.

Carbon Footprint Generator

One strategy to combat this pollutant is a strategy that rewards and punishes carbon emitters. The tool is called a carbon credit and like many things related to the environment and technology, they are very controversial.

What is a carbon credit?

Not Everyone Loves Carbon Credits

Environmental Milestones Presentation-

Our emerging understanding of the complex interconnected ecology of the planet and all of its systems has been a relatively recent set of developments. Individuals, events, and trends have created a groundswell of support for new laws and practices to improve or at least slow the degradation of the environment. In a small group you will research the topics below and create a short 3-5 slide presentation that highlights the impact of the topic in the environmental movement. Please include a brief summary (to be copied), a consideration of opposition or division related to the topic, relevant images, a short video clip, and a list of important lessons associated with the assigned topic.

Dam Nation

Silent Spring

Love Canal

Yucca Mountain

Clean Water Act

Clean Air Act

Bee Colony Collapse

Bat-White Nose Disease

Bird Die Off