1.5 Big World Big Data

1.5 Big World Big Data

  • How has the human population grown so quickly in the twentieth century in certain parts of the world?

  • What are the barriers to successful and sustainable growth in many parts of the world?

  • What did Hans Rosling effectively take such a large data set and make it so accessible?

  • How does the census data displayed with such accuracy inform your understanding of the American population?

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Part I Today we will examine the world through an application called Gapminder. This internet tool uses extensive data to compare countries and populations for almost a 150 years. Statistics about life expectancy, education, health care, disease and many more categories was combined to create a massive, searchable, dynamic database. This innovative tool was created by a researcher named Hans Rosling. Before we use the data we will watch a presentation by Rosling about world population expansion.

This is another amazing big data set that is used to evaluate American data. Take a look at Policy Map!

Now, use the gapminder application to investigate the world. Find some points to compare to illustrate some "gap" between the developing and developed world. For example, what are the education opportunities for women in two comparable categories. What key issues does this illustrate or confirm. Summarize your findings and your analysis in a blog post.

Part II Now we will examine census data to understand some key concepts about the demographic distributions in America. First, let's take a look at the some of the historic maps that will give us a sense of how far we have come in data management. First, take a look at this map from colonial America. This is how we got the Mason-Dixon Line.

Map 1



What information can you get from this map about the people who made it and the people and place that it portrayed? What are important symbols? Old place names? Key areas for settlement?

Now, we can look at the same region with a level of analysis that is stunning. Consider this RACIAL DOT MAP map (Map 2). What are some of the key things from this image?

Finally, take a look at this map (Map 3) what are some of the key things you can tell about the the map, its creators, the tools they used, and finally the issues that it portrays. In order to use the map go to bottom right corner on page and open in google earth.

Where You Are Born Can Determine How Long You Live