Unit 2- Economics, Globalization, and the Concept of Difusion

Economic forces have often driven the development of the modern world. From the earliest days of human history the exchange of goods and

services have helped to bring people together and drive divisions between populations. Some economic systems such as Communism developed to insure fairness and ended up stifling innovation and freedom. Other systems such as Capitalism promote individual agency and innovation and have provided many benefits and also many challenges. In the last century the entire planet has become one massive marketplace. Resources like rubber, oil, and tea helped to promote Imperialism and ensured the economic dominance of the Europeans and Americans in the 20th century. The quest for profit maximization through low cost shipping and cheap labor has combined with global media reach and telecommunications to further link the farthest regions of the planet. In this unit we will be examining the modern global economic system and its affect on cultures, economies, and nations.

To introduce the concept of globalization we will be watching two videos by noted author and historian John Green. These two videos capture the causes, benefits, and potential hazards of the inter connectivity of the globe. Once you have watched both videos, please visit my class discussion page to respond to a set of questions. Finally, the bottom of this page has the criteria for your second required website posting. Please get started on this project.

Video #1 Globalization- The Upside

Video #2 Globalization II- Good or Bad?

Discussion Questions- Please answer on class discussion page!

1.) Using specific examples what are the benefits, shifts, and promises of globalization for the average citizens of the United States and the world?

2.) What are the challenges, inequities, and dangers of globalization for the average citizens of the United States and the world?

Unit Focus Website Criteria

For this unit each of you will need to add a page to your personal Global Issues website. This unit's theme is Globalization and you should focus your energy on the following criteria.

  • Choose a product, idea, process, or feature that has spread around the globe.
  • Describe how it has spread, what changes have taken place to it AND/OR because of it (diffusion).
  • Evaluate the effects of this global phenomenon on some (2-3) places that it can be found.
  • Include at least 3 pictures, 1-2 maps, and an embedded video related to or about your chosen global exemplar.

Grade Criteria

Choose a product, idea, process, or feature that has spread around the globe.

    • Describe how it has spread, what changes have taken place to it AND/OR because of it (diffusion). Explanation must be between 500-700 words and be grammatically free of any errors. ____/20
    • Evaluate the effects of this global phenomenon on some (2-3) places that it can be found. In order to get full credit you must connect your topic to more than one place or area on the planet. ____/20
    • Include at least 3 pictures, 1-2 maps, and an embedded video related to or about your chosen global exemplar. _____/20