Unit 4- Energy-Then, Now, and Later

After our examination of the economic and environmental issues that present challenges for global leaders it is time to consider one of the key elements to future global success. Energy is the cornerstone to improving lives and expanding opportunities for advancement while requiring some of the most significant sacrifices and extensive negative consequences. In this segment we will examine the extensive history and issues related to the production and consumption of energy. How did our present energy infrastructure emerge, how well does it work and what should we anticipate and strive for in the future?

4.1- The End of Oil- Peak Oil and the Petro Economy

4.2- The New Oil Rush- Fracking and Pennsylvania's New Oil Boom

4.3- Alternative Energy Strategies

4.4- Transportation Future

What If We Never Run Out of Oil?Where Does America Get It's Power From?Use this website to examine the sources of electricity that America uses by state.How does New York City get their Energy?

Website Post

UNIT 4 Website Post

Energy: Generation, Conservation, or Delivery

Now it is your turn to focus on energy! You are to research and explain a generation method OR conservation of energy technique outside of the carbon realm. Consider options that may include but are not limited to: solar, wind, wave, kinetic, non-traditional nuclear, and any other non-carbon source. You may focus on a method of conservation (ex. smart meters) or delivery (ex. household batteries)

Questions to Consider:

Part I How Does it Work?

  • What are the basic scientific principles that allow it to work?
  • What types of conditions does it need to succeed?
  • What types of waste or side-effects need to be considered?
  • What types of government investments or inducements will be needed (taxes, tax breaks) to make the energy system happen?

Part II Transmission

  • How is the energy being moved and distributed, how will it be integrated into existing systems?
  • Can it be used off-grid? Is it useful for transportation?
  • Centralized system or decentralized system?

Part III Consumption

  • What the obstacles to adoption?
  • How can the public/government/business find incentives to use or adopt your chosen method/technology?

Part IV Appearance and Format

  • 500-700 words that describe your topic, it's characteristics, benefits, drawbacks and obstacles to use.
  • Support your criteria with evidence that is cited.


  • Include graphs, tables, videos, or other relevant materials.
  • Include embedded video or other media (radio program)
  • All text is proofread and error free


____/60 Total Score