4.3 Alternative Energy Strategies

  • Essential Question(s) How can the United States and the rest of the world do a better job of controlling energy use?
  • What are the methods of reducing and limiting the negative impact of non-renewable extraction, production, and marketing?
Image result for power lines
    • Managing our present energy consumption and production is one way to increase our efficiency and slow down the growth of negative side effects of carbon. The majority of our household and industrial consumption comes through a power delivery system that has been characterized as "the most complex machine on earth." This system, our power grid, is a constantly changing and massively overworked system. It was originally conceived and constructed in an era of relatively simple technology. Today, it is the cornerstone of the information-based, online, hyper-communicative society we inhabit.

One place we can learn about rebuilding or redesigning energy use is Puerto Rico. This short segment shows both the technology and the challenges of this next level of energy infrastructure.

As you can imagine, this leads us to some critical issues related to the grid:

  • Is it safe?
  • Can it be "hacked"?
  • Are we using it efficiently?
  • How can it be improved?

Read This

These are important questions to be considered if we want to continue to prosper and expand.

Listen to this Story:

Nation's Electricity Gets a Test

Read this article on the power grid:

Security Holes in Power Grid

This is an informative and interesting piece on the future of the grid:

Smart Grid Technology

Finally, do you think running the grid is easy? Give it a try:

Electro City Game- Read Instructions First!!

Part II- Energy and Climate

The power of price is something we have already discussed and acknowledged earlier in the class. As we continue to battle the carbon emissions that we cannot seem to stop solutions for making businesses and consumers behave more responsibility must be developed. How can the power of price help? Maybe the market for energy can be shaped in a way that encourages responsible consumption and generation....

Carbon Emissions Chart

Image result for power grid map
Image result for carbon emissions by use

Examine these two charts in detail and evaluate how energy production and use has changed recently. For example, how much coal is being produced for electricity now versus in 2008?

UNIT 4 Website Post

Energy Plan- Alternative Focus

Now it is your turn to focus on energy! You are focus on a generation OR conservation of energy outside of the carbon realm. Consider options that may include but are not limited to: solar, wind, wave, kinetic, non-traditional nuclear, and any other non-carbon source.

Part I How Does it Work?

  • What are the basic scientific principles that allow it to work?
  • What types of conditions does it need to succeed?
  • What types of waste or side-effects need to be considered?
  • What types of government investments or inducements will be needed (taxes, tax breaks) to make the energy system happen?

Part II Transmission

  • How is the energy being moved and distributed, how will it be integrated into existing systems?
  • Can it be used off-grid? Is it useful for transportation?
  • Centralized system or decentralized system?

Part III Consumption

  • What the obstacles to adoption?
  • How can the public/government/business find incentives to use or adopt your chosen method/technology?

Part IV Appearance and Format

  • All components of you plan must be CURRENT technologies, legal, and feasible.
  • Support your criteria with evidence that is cited.
  • Include graphs, tables, videos, or other relevant materials.
  • Include embedded video or other media (radio program)
  • All text is proofread and error free