1.1 The Flattening World

1.1 The Flattening World

Key Questions

  • How has the world changed because of internet technologies?
  • What has the role of transportation been in changing the world's manufacturing?
  • What are some of the potential future impacts of global competition?

The article by Thomas Friedman entitled Its a Flat Wo

rld, Afterall is opportunity to consider how the new technologies of the digital era have had significant and still evolving impacts. However, the piece is itself a relic of the past. After you have read and discussed the article in class you will visit our class discussion page and post a response the following questions. Since this will be the first posting of the class I want to point out the key characteristics that will be important when joining our online interactions.

Before you make your post please review the guidelines below in order to maximize your credit for this assignment.

This is a newer and more sober take on the Globalization issue:

Discussion Post Guidelines

  • Content should be relevant and reflect your understanding of the topic and the application of that insight into a post.
  • There should be no spelling errors, slang, text-type abbreviations, and absolutely no emoticons!
  • Discussion posts will be an important place for you demonstrate your mastery of the information and topics in the class and must be done in a timely manner. Failure to submit on time will impact your grade.
  • Some posts will require you to reply to another student's posting, please be respectful and thoughtful in both your agreement and disagreements.

What are the stages of globalization according to Thomas Friedman and how has the latest stage created a new economic model? Since the article is actually somewhat old, how has Friedman missed on his predictions or failed to take into account other factors in his article?