4.4 Transportation From Bicycle to Plane and Back!

4.4 Transportation-From Bicycle to Plane and Back

  • How does the present energy cost of transportation affect our environment and economy?
  • What are some of the innovations that can stretch our energy and allow us to continue to thrive?
  • What are the challenges of structuring these changes?

As we examine the costs and impacts of energy choices and our expanding economy it becomes clear that the path forward is going to require changes so we can continue to benefit from the expenditure of precious resources and save those same resources for the future generations. One are that is going to require re-calibration is transportation. As we learned earlier in class the CAFE standards implemented by the Federal government have slowed down and shaped mileage in our car fleet, but, that is clearly only the beginning. New forms of transportation or possibly reforms and innovations to the system that we are already using could provide us with the answers. Strategic and forward thinking individuals have already begun examining ways to "thrive and drive" and starting with our present system and expanding options in that manner seems to be our best choice.

First, lets examine some of the new thinking that has gone into our present system and consider some of the key lessons we can learn

The Trouble With Cars

Health Outcomes and Car Commuting

Innovation in Car Transport- See Worksheet

The transportation infrastructure that exists in the United States has been built with years of effort and resources. Using the automobile as the chief mode of movement has necessitated certain patterns and dictated how we set up our physical space. For example, highways, secondary roads, and neighborhood roads are primarily marked for cars. Other users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, are afterthoughts who often travel at their peril. As we move into a post-carbon reality, many spaces are being reworked and re-engineered to encourage alternative ways of living. Urban renewal and localization efforts are encouraging people to change the way the move and interact. While innovation and change are necessary and desirable, practical limits will need to be observed. Wholesale changes are not always realistic or necessary. Today we will be taking a look at some of the techniques that are needed to make a safe and efficient transition.

Mass Transportation Issues and Challenges

Funding Cuts in Mass Transit Hurt the Poor

The Revenge of the Electric Car

Please go to my discussion page and make an informed and reasoned posting to the following question:

Is the Electric Car really Dead?

Part I

According to the film Who Killed the Electric Car a host of possible suspects could be blamed for the demise of the energy saving device. Who do you think did the most damage to the electric car program and why?

Part II

If the electric car has been killed why are more being built in conjunction with hybrids in today's marketplace. Who brought them back and how much impact are they having on the "car culture?"

Now its time expand our thinking and consider other possible avenues of innovation....