6.2 The Drug War

Essential Question(s):

  • What is the status of America's "War on Drugs" ?
  • What are the implications for the changing laws regarding drugs and their legalization?
  • How does the "War on Drugs" affect our neighbors?

The war on drugs was originally declared by President Nixon in order to focus Americans on a problem that was very divisive. While the idea seemed good at the time the course of the drug war has been very difficult. The amount of money being spent has continued to grow and the results have been almost universally negative. Prison populations have grown, drug cartels have thrived in many countries, and the amount of people doing illegal drugs has remained relatively stable regardless of the efforts of law enforcement. This interview with a Mexican-American movie director is a good introduction to the destructive nature of the drug war for Mexicans.

First read "Brief History of the Drug War" which is linked below.

No country has suffered more from the war on drugs than Mexico. As the chief conduit for the drugs, money, and guns that are fueling the violence of the conflict Mexico has been torn apart. This documentary captures the turmoil that is being visited upon Mexicans as the hyper-profitable drug business promotes higher and higher levels of violence.

Cartel Corruption in the Border Patrol

The Music of the Drug Cartels

Popcorn Sutton-The Drug War of an Earlier Age

Please take some time to learn about the fate of a modern bootlegger who gained fame for his skills and provided his product outside the boundaries of the law. Thanks to Autumn Miller for this awesome story about justice, fairness, and Americana. Follow This Link.