3.4 What Are You Eating?

Essential Question(s) How does the global food economy represent both the best and worst aspects of development in the modern world?

Maintaining a global population of multiple billions requires extensive agriculture and distribution. We will be examining some of the key issues related to the food supply in this unit.

  • Changing Dietary Choices
  • Meat Production and Consumption
  • Agriculture Advancements and Challenges
  • Genetic Modification and the Future

The Botany of Desire-

An insightful look into the production of plants and our interwoven history with what we consume is provided by Micheal Palin in his groundbreaking book The Botany of Desire. We will examine one of the potato, one of the four plants that he examines in his book. Please follow this link to read about the potato and and then answer the question waiting on google classroom.

How has the potato changed human history? Why is this plant so important?

Once we have examined the potato (and the apple too!) we will complete a group presentation on other food issues. Follow this link to get started

Finally, one things that we all have in common at school is lunch. School lunches are an important part of every students day. Please take a moment to see what other kids eat and then consider a school lunch issue of your own.

Image result for free and reduced lunch program

Fast Food Nation

A review of the ground-breaking book that illustrates the eating patterns of America.

Botany of Desire-The Potato

Visit this link and read the article about the potato. We will watch the video together in class.

Global Seed Bank

Food Historian Traces Our Roots

A Collection of Stories about School Food

Food Inc. Review

Before we watch the film Food Inc. please read this brief review.