Unit 6- Crime and Punishmen

The legal system is one of the greatest achievements and challenges of the United States. The U.S. is one of the most stable and law-abiding countries in the world. Our corruption rate is relatively low and the rule of law is well-respected throughout the world. However, the United States also leads the world in prisoners and has produced a generation of young people who have criminality as their chief possible vocation and lives that offer few other choices. In this unit we will examine how the rule of law works both in the civil arena and the criminal.

Please read the linked PDF file below to identify the key elements that separate criminal and civil law.

6.1 Incarceration Nation-America's Prison Population

In this unit we have examined issues related to law and order and criminal issues. For your Unit 6 post you will focus on a legal issue ofyour choice. In your individual page you should create a comprehensive set of materials that informs and or supports a policy or policy change related to the civil or justice system. Your post should be 500-700 words and provide a complete historical overview, set of opposing arguments, and finally your personal opinion on the direction that should be taken.

Post Appearance and Formatting

3-5 Sources that provide a good basis for understanding (all sources should be cited)

2-3 Charts that support your opinion and demonstrate change(s)

A video link that is appropriate to your topic

Post Content

500-700 Words

Well-Written, balanced, and proof-read

Provides a reasonable rationale for your personal approach

Possible Topics

Guantanamo Bay Detentions

Criminal Liability for Banks

Parole Reform

Right-To-Die Issues

First Amendment Restraints

Second Amendment Issues

Tort Reform for Physicians

Juvenile Detention Issues

File differences-between-criminal-and-civil-court.pdf (PDF 277 KB)