3.3 Water Everywhere?

Essential Question(s)

  • How does the fresh water supply in the world represent the most important resource and how is it being managed?
  • What are the future implications of fresh water scarcity and development in both the United States and the rest of the world?

The Fading Lake Powell-This is an amazing project. Please be sure to look at it closely!

The conflicts over the future of water are a constant reminder of the importance of this seemingly unlimited but increasingly expensive resource. The increasing population and changing climate issues are making water seem like it may be more important than oil in the 21st century. One area of particular concern in North America has to do with the Ogallala Aquifer that has supplied much of the water to mid-west farmers since World War II. The introduction of center-point irrigation and industrial farming techniques have turned this desert into a very productive farming area. However, the aquifer is beginning to show significant signs of decline. Because of the nature of its forming, replenishment of the waters supply will take thousands of years. First, we will listen to this story about the challenges that are facing large parts of "America's Breadbasket."

The Mid West and the Falling Water Supply

Image result for water use by agricultural product

The water scarcity we face in North America is minor compared to some of the places where thirst and parched lands are the norm. Regional conflicts in several places on the planet are fundamentally about water or access to water. India, China, the entire Middle East, and multiple place in Africa all have real and violent struggles that stem from water insecurity.

Our domestic water crisis is related to keeping large estuaries clean and healthy while maintaining the agricultural outputs that we have come to depend on. As an agricultural state we are contributing to the problem through our use of fertilizers and pesticides. The film "Poisoned Waters" captures the problems and hints at solutions to this issue. We will be watching this in class to provide you with the insight required to examine how we can rise to meet this challenge.

After you have watched the above film please visit my to complete a blog post that will require you to do research on a particular "Water-Based" conflict and develop an opinion about it.

Water Topics that may in:

  • Desalination
  • Wetland Eradication
  • Dams
  • Permeable Surfaces
  • Water Privatization
  • Genocide
  • Starvation
  • Desertafication

Water Voices

Series of short films showing the developing world dealing with water issues in unique and interesting scenarios.

Image result for water use by agricultural product