Sal, Kris and Charlie's Deli

Sal, Kris and Charlie's Deli

33-12 23rd Ave, Astoria, NY 11105



The Bomb


Size wise, The Bomb was 'the bomb'. Taste wise, it was closer to the impact of a collection of dynamites than something atomic. With an estimated 4lbs (Yes, 4lbs of a sandwich), satisfaction in terms of quantity was not going to be an issue. Its span covered the tip of ones longest finger to ones elbow and was as thick as an arm and half of the sandwich was enough for a 'heavy lunch'.

Going down to the taste, despite the size, the sandwich was respectably good. The bread was soft enough to be compressed with its contents and for a sandwich that size and it was also a good thing that the inner contents did not fall out occasionally. With its numerous contents, Marlowe was even able to showcase his creative genius by making a baby sandwich after filtering the contents of half of the main sandwiches.

The cost of the sandwich does nothing else but help it solidify it's value. The amount of sandwich you get for the price adds some form of mental satisfaction with the taste you get (which is not mediocre in a way, whether at a low price or not).

And after the reviews and debates, we all settled for a rating of 4.7. And from Marlowe to you, "this is an economic wonder".