Lioni's (Round 2)

Lioni Italian Heroes

7803 15th Ave., New York (Brooklyn)


"I have no respect for Mike Piazza the player, but that sandwich sounds great" - Nick Scharlatt, upon reading the sandwich description

Mike Piazza (Roast pork, Lioni's smoked mozzarella, olive oil and black pepper)

~Sides: Potato croquettes, pepperoni & cheddar balls, chips

The whole sandwich (left) was bigger than my forearm. It was a little anemic in appearance (middle), but my first bite... or two... (right) were delicious.

I struggle to start out this review because I truly believe it was one of the best sandwiches I've ever had, but it was torn apart by my colleagues-and not in a good way. I guess we can start with the Google forms pie chart so as not to offend anyone (yet).

We actually had people opt for the non-meat option this time around. Of course, their opinions were not accounted for in the final vote but they were welcome to join us for lunch. The Bernadette had both fresh and smoked mozzarella, arugula, olive oil, lettuce, salt, pepper & oregano.

This sandwich received really low scores (even a 1.0!) along with very high ones, and many in the middle. People were torn because although it was absolutely huge, and the meat and bread were fresh and delicious, it was exceedingly dry and flavorless for many folks (with Elizabeth refusing to call it a sandwich, and deeming it a "blandwich") It was just some more cheese, au jus, or any sort of condiment/liquid away from a perfect five for most.

Overall, the biggest takeaway was... well, how big it was, with it only costing $11. One Mike Piazza alone could have probably fed a family of four. I shared the opinion of two others who rated it in the high four's, in that it was a simple beauty. But the people have spoken, and we want flavor, sauce, and frankly, a different sandwich.

