Ends Meat

Ends Meat

254 36th St. (Brooklyn)


"When I think of a good, solid Sandwich Friday, this is exactly what I think of." - Woody

The Hogfather (Coppa, pancetta, swiss, mustard greens, mayo)

It was almost too pretty to eat...

It was quite the experience to journey deep into Industry City Building, with solid metal walls and questionable lighting as far as the eye could see, to find a brightly-lit, quaint little butchery/sandwich shop operation tucked away inside. From the moment I stepped into Ends Meat, I could smell deliciousness. Even without seeing the sandwiches themselves, I could tangibly expect them to be amazing.

Fast forward to the actual consumption of the Hogfather - and it did not disappoint. Like Woody said (quote above), Nick was pleased that this sandwich was exactly what he would expect on a good Sandwich Friday. While it wasn't necessarily a Sandwich Friday dream like the Prozack (which seems to be brought up every week), it was definitely up there.

I mean, just look at it.

The meat was super salty and oily, but in a delightful, good-Italian-sandwich kind of way. Everyone (and their taste buds) agreed that the meat was of superb quality. The Swiss cheese also added an unexpected kick of flavor that made it hard to put down.

It was pretty hard to find anything to criticize this sandwich for. Their online menu did promise mustard greens, and last I checked, lettuce shreds mustard greens. There were also few comments about the bread being tough at the ends, and the sandwich being bready in general, but most did not mind.

It was just a solid sandwich all around, not to mention its excellent consistency and structural integrity (some often over-looked but oh so important aspects). There was something beautiful in its simplicity - it wasn't very showy, but it blew us away with its many simple components executed almost flawlessly.



For comparison, here's a showy sandwich. Considerably cuter but can't attest to its taste.