Joe's Ave of U

287 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11223



Spleen Sandwich


Were there high expectations for this sandwich? NO. Did we know what we were doing when we ordered this? MAYBE. Did we have a good time eating this sandwich? Well, simply, NO. Bread, cheese and spleen. In words, harmless and in taste, close to nauseating. On one side of the room, Pavel had completed the mission of eating the sandwich, on another side, Tony was bracing himself for a bite while Sarah M. was contemplating whether eating the sandwich would be a good choice for her. “I was able to eat it because of a troubled childhood”, Pavel said while Tony did not want to talk about his experience. Well, the only good thing about the sandwich was the soft brad and the cheese, but after a bite of the spleen, all that goodness from the other items was washed away by the almost tasteless, bland and unsettling item. “it is not a sandwich made for pleasure” but sure is one that can be awarded the title of ‘Foothold’s Lowest Rated Sandwich’.