Meat Hook Sandwich (Round 2!)

3/5 First off, it was (almost) unanimously decided that the bread was TOO soggy! This may have been attributed to the iceberg lettuce in the sandwich or the red peppers, or perhaps even the travel time it took me (intern Elliot) to get from Brooklyn to Manhattan. Either way, the soggy bread, or The Bread Situation, was a big turn-off. This tasted like an ordinary sandwich and you could probably make a better one at home. However, the meat was good and so were the peppers and eggplants. Also, it was a very filling sandwich. Marlowe was not a big fan of this one, while Nick gave it one of the highest ratings (3.8) in the office. All in all, it's an a-okay sandwich. Not spectacular. I wouldn't come back for it, to be honest.

Italian Hero (Roni, mort, soppresat', mozz, caponat', lettuce, peps, cross dressing on sesame seed hero roll)


Meat Hook Sandwich

495 Lorimer Street, New York (Brooklyn)