Egg Drop Information

The Egg

An egg consists of several parts: the shell, the egg white (albumen), and the yolk. The egg white is primarily made of water and protein, while the yolk contains protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

An eggshell is primarily made of calcium carbonate crystals and small amounts of magnesium carbonate and protein. It consists of numerous tiny pores that allow gases to pass through while keeping out harmful bacteria. These pores also make the eggshell slightly porous, allowing for moisture exchange.

Eggs are generally oval or elliptical, with one end being slightly more pointed than the other. They are similar in shape to architectural domes, one of the strongest architectural forms. The egg is strongest at the top and the bottom (or at the highest point of the arch). This is why it does not break when pressure is added to both ends. The curved form of the shell also distributes pressure evenly all over the shell rather than concentrating it at any one point. However, eggs do not stand up well to uneven forces. This explains why they are easy to crack on the side of a bowl or skillet. 


Gravity: Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward each other. On Earth, gravity causes objects to fall toward the ground when dropped. Gravity is responsible for the acceleration experienced by the egg during the drop and plays a crucial role in determining the impact force. On Earth, the gravitational constant (g) is approximately 9.8 m/s² or 32 ft/s². This is the rate of acceleration an object experiences when in freefall.

Acceleration: Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. During the egg drop, the egg experiences acceleration due to gravity, causing it to increase in velocity as it falls toward the ground. Acceleration affects the motion of the egg and how it contributes to the impact force upon landing.

Force: Force is a push or pull acting on an object. In the context of the egg drop project, it is important to understand that the force experienced by the egg upon impact is the result of the acceleration due to gravity acting on its mass. It will also be important to understand how forces can be distributed and mitigated (reduced/dampened) through the design of protective structures.

Impact Force: Impact force is the force exerted on an object when it collides with another object or surface. It is important to understand that the impact force experienced by the egg upon landing depends on factors such as the height of the drop, the mass of the egg, and the surface it lands on. It is important to minimize impact forces to protect the egg from breaking.

Impulse: Impulse is the change in momentum of an object resulting from a force applied over time. In the context of the egg drop project, it is important to understand that extending the duration of the impact (i.e., increasing the time over which the force is applied) can help minimize the impulse experienced by the egg, reducing the likelihood of it breaking upon landing.

Distribution of Forces: Distribution of forces refers to how forces are distributed or spread throughout the protective structure during the egg drop. Consider how different materials and design elements can help distribute forces more evenly and absorb energy to minimize the impact force experienced by the egg.

Structural Integrity: Structural integrity refers to the ability of a structure to withstand external forces without collapsing or breaking. It is important to design a protective structure with sufficient structural integrity to withstand the forces experienced during the egg drop and protect the egg from breaking.

Newton's Laws of Motion

Newton's First Law - Law of Inertia:  Newton's first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion with the same velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This law emphasizes the concept of inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. With the egg drop project, the egg's inertia determines how it reacts to gravitational acceleration during the drop and the impact forces upon landing.

Newton's Second Law - Law of Acceleration: Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, it can be expressed as F=ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration. With the egg drop project, Newton's second law shows how the mass of the egg influences the forces acting on it during the drop. Heavier eggs and structures experience greater forces upon impact due to their greater mass, which can increase the likelihood of breakage.

Newton's Third Law - Action-Reaction: Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force back on the first object. With the egg drop project, Newton's third law emphasizes that the force experienced by the egg upon impact is the result of the interaction between the egg and the surface it lands on. The force exerted by the egg on the surface is met with an equal and opposite reaction force from the surface, leading to the deceleration of the egg. This is related to the impulse force experienced by the egg. 

Extending the duration of impact helps mitigate the peak forces experienced by the egg, reduces the rate of deceleration, improves energy absorption, and enhances the structural integrity of the protective structure. These factors collectively increase the likelihood of the egg surviving the impact during the egg drop project.

Engineering Concepts

Structural Design: It is necessary to design a protective structure that can absorb the impact forces and protect the egg from breaking. This involves understanding principles of structural engineering, such as load distribution, material properties, and structural integrity.

Material Selection: It is important to explore different materials and their properties to determine the most suitable ones for constructing the protective structure. Factors to consider include weight, strength, flexibility, and energy absorption capabilities.

Force Analysis: It is important to analyze the forces acting on the egg during the drop, including gravitational forces, impact forces, and deceleration forces. Understanding these forces helps in designing the protective structure to minimize their effects on the egg. 

Energy Dissipation: It is necessary to design the protective structure to effectively dissipate the kinetic energy of the egg upon impact. Concepts such as crumple zones, shock absorption, and energy dispersion can be explored to reduce the forces experienced by the egg.

Aerodynamics: It is important to consider aerodynamic principles to reduce air resistance and stabilize the descent of the protective structure. Streamlining the design can help minimize drag forces and improve the accuracy of the drop. Additionally, ensuring the structure's capability to make contact in a specific location is paramount. Any deviation from this could significantly increase the risk of the egg breaking upon landing.

Prototyping and Iteration: Prototyping allows you to build and test your designs before the actual egg drop. This iterative process helps in refining the design and identifying areas for improvement to increase the chances of success.

Constraint Optimization: It is important to optimize your design within given constraints, such as weight limits, size restrictions, and material availability. Balancing these constraints while maximizing the effectiveness of the protective structure is essential for a successful project.

Problem Solving and Innovation: It is important to think creatively and apply problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and design innovative solutions. This fosters critical thinking and encourages the exploration of new ideas in engineering design.

Risk Assessment: It is important to assess the risks associated with your design and consider potential failure modes. Identifying risks allows for mitigation strategies to be implemented, reducing the likelihood of failure during the egg drop.

Documentation and Presentation: Effective communication of design concepts, testing procedures, and results is essential. You should document the design process, conduct a presentation, and communicate findings to peers and your teacher.

Material Properties

In the research menu, there is a material properties section that is well worth the time to examine. Below are some properties that relate to this project. Some are mentioned on the material properties page and a few are not. These are the most critical properties to consider.

Strength: The strength of a material refers to its ability to withstand applied forces without yielding or breaking. For the egg drop project, consider materials with high strength-to-weight ratios to ensure the protective structure can withstand the impact forces experienced during the drop. This will require some research on your end to determine the strength-to-weight ratios of the materials available for the project.

Flexibility: Flexibility or ductility is the ability of a material to deform under stress without fracturing. Materials with some degree of flexibility can absorb energy and dissipate impact forces more effectively, reducing the risk of the egg breaking upon landing.

Density: Density is the mass per unit volume of a material. Choosing materials with lower densities can help reduce the overall weight of the protective structure without sacrificing strength or durability, allowing for better performance during the drop. The weight limit for this project is low - 65 grams without the egg.

Shock Absorption: Some materials exhibit better shock-absorbing properties than others, meaning they can dissipate kinetic energy more effectively upon impact. Consider materials with good shock-absorbing capabilities to minimize the forces experienced by the egg.

Toughness: Toughness is a measure of a material's ability to absorb energy and deform plastically (not returning to its original shape) before fracturing. Materials with high toughness can withstand sudden impact loads without catastrophic failure, providing better protection for the egg during the drop.

Elasticity: Elasticity is the ability of a material to deform reversibly under stress and return to its original shape after the stress is removed. Materials with high elasticity can undergo deformation during the drop and then recover their shape, improving their durability and resilience.

Cost and Availability: Consideration should also be given to the cost and availability of materials, especially if you are bringing materials from home. Some materials will be available in class but you have the option to bring other materials from home. DO NOT BRING ANY MATERIALS FROM HOME WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM A PARENT OR GUARDIAN!

Examining these material properties will allow you to make informed decisions when selecting materials for the protective structures in the egg drop project. Understanding how these properties influence the performance and behavior of materials will allow you to design structures that effectively protect the egg while meeting project constraints and objectives.

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