Gliders - Whitebox Learning


Students will use WhiteBox Learning in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Each year is a different project. The 6th-grade glider project is used to introduce students to the engineering design process. The program allows students to follow through the entire process and iterate their designs until a quality design has been created. Students will learn about the history of aviation, theory related to flight, as well as complete tutorials to learn how the program works. Next, students will create 3D models using a built-in CAD system. Analysis tools are then used to make sure the designs stand up to the scientific principles presented in the research section. Throughout the design phase, students can check their design specifications to make sure their designs meet the given parameters and adjust as needed. Then it is time to compete! The program allows students to compete with others in the class, division, State, and Country! The program does support building physical models, however, we are using it to become familiar with the process at this point. Students will build physical models from the dragster app in 8th grade. WhiteBox Learning Link

Resources are available for students starting the project or having difficulties getting gliders in-spec under Tutorials.

Grading Rubric