Coding Club

Numbering Systems




Cryptography / Cryptanalysis



Markup Languages

Markup languages are used to structure and present content. They use tags to describe elements on a page, like headings, paragraphs, links, images, etc. Common markup languages include: HTML, XML, SVG, MathML, LaTeX, YAML, SGML, Markdown, and TEI.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is like the blueprint for creating web pages. It is a special language that tells web browsers how to organize and display different parts of a webpage, like text, images, and links.

How HTML Works:

Building Blocks: Imagine HTML as a set of building blocks. Each block, called an element, has a specific job, such as making a heading or showing a picture.

Tags: Elements use special codes, called tags. Tags work in pairs - an opening tag < > and a closing tag </ >. The opening tag says "Start here" and the closing tag says "Stop here."

Nesting Elements: Elements can fit inside one another, like Russian nesting dolls. This lets us create complex structures, such as paragraphs with links inside.

Adding Extra Information: Elements can have extra information attached, called attributes. It's like giving specific instructions to each block.

Browsers Understand: Web browsers are like skilled translators. They read HTML and turn it into the websites we see. They also use CSS for colors and layouts, and JavaScript for interactive features.

Making It Fair for Everyone: HTML also helps ensure that websites are accessible to everyone, including those who may use special tools to navigate the web.

HTML is the starting point for creating amazing websites and interactive games on the internet. It is like the language that computers and browsers use to build the web!


Sheet Style Languages


Coding Languages

Morse Code






Learning Coding Concepts

Karel the Dog

Python Turtle Graphics