Numbering Systems


Decimal is the numbering system most people are familiar with, using symbols 0 through 9. It is used in everyday life and is often used to represent human-readable numbers. 


Binary is the foundational numbering system in computer science. It uses only two symbols: 0 and 1. It is used to represent and manipulate data at the lowest level in computers. Understanding binary is crucial for understanding how computers store and process information. Click here to learn more 


Octal uses symbols 0 through 7. While not as common as binary or decimal, octal is still used in some contexts, particularly in permissions systems and low-level programming. 


Hexadecimal uses symbols 0 through 9 and A through F to represent values. Hexadecimal is widely used in computer science due to its compact representation of binary data. It is often used to represent memory addresses, colors, and other binary data in a more human-readable form. Click here to learn more