Light Box


The light box project is designed to be an introduction to electronics and to get students working with the laser cutter and vector graphics software. On the electronics end of the project, students will learn about series circuits, parallel circuits, Ohm's Law, basic components; as well as how to solder a simple circuit. In addition, students will learn about vector graphics and how to create and manipulate them. Students will then learn about laser basics and use our Epilog Helix laser to cut out their lightbox designs.  

DEsign Brief

8th Grade Light Box Project 2022_AI.pdf

Practice Assignments Before Beginning

Adobe Illustrator Basics

The assignments will be posted to Classroom and you will have your own copy of each assignment and the challenge. The assignments and challenge are located below for anyone outside of the county who wishes to use these assignments.

Assignment 01 - Shapes Assignment 02 - Color Assignment 03 - Corners, Anchors, & Handles

Assignment 04 - Layers Challenge 01 - Mario Star Assignment 05 - Pathfinder Tools

Creating The Design

Lightbox Design with Adobe Illustrator

Click here for a video tutorial. It is older and does not use a backlit design like the new tutorial above, but it still may be helpful. It goes into depth about each step throughout the process.

Laser Cutting The Design

Coming Soon!

Using a Multimeter Worksheet

Using a Multimeter Worksheet.pdf

Understanding Electricity

Electronics and Ohm's Law

Creating The Circuit

Lightbox Circuit

Lightbox Battery Clip STL - This file should be printed on its side and can be printed with no supports or brim.

Assembling The Box

Coming Soon!