3D Printing

3D Printing research

For class projects, there are a number of areas that must be understood to lead to a well made design.

Below you will find:

Common types of 3d printing

FFF Printing

Fused Filament Fabrication

SLA Printing


SLS Printing

Selective Laser Sintering

FFF or Fused Filament Fabrication printing, also known by FDM or Fused Deposition Modeling (a term trademarked by Stratysys, Inc.), is a printing method that heats a solid thermoplastic filament to a semi-liquid state and extrudes it in thin layers, one upon the other. Once the material cools, the part becomes solid. This is a very common type of 3D printing. Parts printed using this process are brittle and not sustainable for mechanical parts. Being that parts are printed in layers, they are weaker in one direction than the other. See FFF in action.

SLA or Stereolithography printing uses vat polymerization. A photo-polymer resin in a vat is selectively cured by a light source. Unlike FFF printing, this method produces a smooth finish with fine detail. Like FFF printing, this process also creates brittle parts that are not suitable for mechanical parts. See SLA in action.

SLS or Selective Laser Sintering uses powder bed fusion. A bed full of powdered plastic provides the material to buld parts. A laser is used to heat the desired areas, fusing the plastic powder together to create the desired part. The bed drops after each layer, the powder is distributed evenly, and the process is repeated until the final dimensions have been reached. A similar process can be used to fuse metal powder into usable parts. This process is known as DMLS or Direct Metal Laser Sintering.  See SLS in action. See DMLS in action

Common Types of Filament





Exotic filaments (sometimes seen as hybrid filaments) are becoming more popular and the range is widening. Some of these include wood, metal, and clay, which all contain a powder or fiber mixed with the polymer to produce a unique look. Since these filaments contain other materials, they behave differently, as well. Other exotic filaments look normal but have altered properties. They can be magnetic, conductive, glow-in-the-dark, color changing, or flexible. Some even dissolve in water!

Flexible filaments generally consist of TPC (thermoplastic copolyester), TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) and TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane). These materials are much like a printable rubber. The difference between the two lies in their hardness values. Nylon filament is also gaining in popularity.

Rigid filaments are the typical, everyday filaments. The most prevalent are ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and PLA (polylactic acid), but there are a variety of others. Some other significant rigid filaments include PETG (glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate),  PC (polycarbonate), ASA (acrylonitrile styrene acrelate), POM (acetal), and PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate).

PLA is the most popular filament. It is easy to print with, has a lower printing temperature than ABS, doesn't warp easily, does not produce intense fumes when printing, is biodegradable, and can be food-safe (check the manufacturers specifications). It is more environmentally friendly than many other filaments as it is made from renewable resources like corn starch and sugar cane. The main issue with PLA is that it is brittle. Avoid using it when making items that might be bent, twisted, or dropped repeatedly.

ABS is the second most common filament. It is slightly more difficult to print with than PLA, as it has a tendency to warp during cooling. ABS is tough and able to withstand high stress and temperature and it is moderately flexible. It does, however, emit very strong fumes when printing. ABS is used for many household and consumer goods, like LEGO's and bicycle helmets. An important thing to keep in mind, though, is that 3D printed parts are significantly weaker (70% or more) than their injection molded counterparts.

Click here to learn more about the other materials listed or to find more specific information about ABS or PLA.

Soluble filaments include HIPS (high impact polystyrene) and PVA (polyvinyl acid). These materials can be used as support materials and later dissolved away to create parts that would otherwise be or impossible to print. HIPS can be dissolved in limolene, where PVA can be dissolved in water.

Printing COnsiderations

When preparing to print, there are a number of considerations to be made. Initially, you import your file and place it on the build surface. How the part sits on the print bed can affect the quality of the print. Next, the quality of the print must be considered. Is the part to be printed meant to be a quick test run or a final part? 3D printers can be fully automatic or fully customizable, depending on the brand. For those that have at least some settings that can be adjusted, it is important to know which settings to select.

Part alignment: How the part will sit on the print bed will affect the amount of material used, print time, and print quality. You want to print objects so they will require the least amount of fill material possible. This adds print time and adds to material usage. Also, the layering of plastic upon itself creates a grain pattern. Like a piece of wood, it is easier to break the part with the grain than it is across the grain.

Printing for speed: Thicker layers and increased speeds can reduce print time, but can also affect print quality. There is a point where thicker layers also begin to use more filament (~0.3 mm). Also, the infill amount and pattern can affect the speed and quality of the part being printed. Increasing the speed will not have a significant impact on smaller prints. This can run the nozzle through corners too quickly, having drastic [negative] effects on overall quality. 

Examples of Infill Amount

Examples of Infill Shapes

Printing for quality: As one may imagine, using settings opposite that used for speed will result in higher quality. Thinner layers and reduced speeds result in higher quality. But there is a definite trade-off between speed and quality. Also, the amount and pattern of infill will affect the quality. This is the amount of material that is printed inside "solid" objects. Something that is designed to be solid is often not printed that way.

Examples of Speed & Resolution Adjustments

Examples of Speed Adjustments

Layer Height: Higher layer height results in stronger prints but makes the outer surface of the printed object rougher. Larger nozzles are capable of printing greater layer heights than smaller nozzles. A standard nozzle is 0.4mm and generally prints layer heights ranging from 0.05mm to 0.25mm. Printing at 0.05mm will produce smooth edges but decreases strength and greatly increases print time. Items printed at 0.25mm are often drafts used to quickly print an item and check to see if it will work as desired. Often, people print many useful objects at 0.2mm or use 0.1mm - 0.15mm for prints requiring smoother edges (like models). 

Perimeters: Perimeters are the number of shells that form the outer walls of an object. More perimeters can add strength to a 3D printed object. It can also help with elasticity - an objects ability to spring back to its original shape after a load is applied, deforming the shape. For this concept, think of a rubber band and how it springs back to its original shape after being stretched. Additional perimeters can also help create hollow angled shapes without failing - this is because it reduces gaps that may occur if there are not enough perimeters. 

Click here for a great resource on fixing problems that may occur during printing.

Infill Options & Ironing

The infill refers to the inner structure of a 3D printed part. The inside is not solid. Some infill patterns are standard across various slicers while others are unique to one program or brand. In class, your designs will be printed on Prusa printers, so the options below are those available on PrusaSlicer. A slicer is a type of software that takes a 3D model and slices it into layers that can be printed. 

Rectilinear: A basic infill pattern that creates a rectangular grid. This pattern saves filament and is one of the fastest printed infills. It is the only option that can print 100% infill.

Aligned Rectilinear: This infill creates parallel lines. This pattern saves time and has an average filament consumption. A possible issue with this pattern is, if the top layer is printed the same direction as the infill, it will not offer support between lines. This can result in poor appearance and quality on the top side of the object.

Grid: This infill looks like rectilinear but has some key differences. This pattern is one of the simplest and fastest infills. Unlike rectilinear, this pattern prints in both directions in each layer. This allows material to accumulate at intersections. This makes it more solid than rectilinear but can cause annoying noise or even print failure when the nozzle crosses intersections where material accumulates.

Triangles: This infill is similar to grid in material and time consumption and the paths cross in one direction. This pattern, as the name suggests, creates triangles, printing in three directions.

Stars: Once again, this infill is similar to grid and triangle in material and time consumption and the paths cross in one direction. This pattern, as the name suggests, creates stars by shifting paths used for the triangle pattern.

Cubic: Again, this infill is similar to the previous infills in material and time consumption and the paths cross in one direction. This pattern creates cubes with one corner facing down. This creates air pockets that may be useful acting as heat insulation or causing an object to float (when using waterproof materials like PETG).

Line: This infill pattern is similar to rectilinear as there are no crossing paths in one layer. The paths are similar to rectilinear but they are not parallel to one another. They are printed at an acute angle. Print time and material consumption are similar to rectilinear. 

Concentric: This infill pattern traces the perimeter lines of the model making them smaller toward the center.  This can be useful with transparent parts or flexible models (RC tires for example). The main disadvantage is the time spent printing. Material consumption is similar to the previous infill patterns.

Honeycomb: This infill prints a grid made of hexagons. The main advantage is mechanical resistance and optimal paths without crossings. The main disadvantages are higher material consumption (about 25% more) compared to other infills, and print time that can take up to twice the time of previous options.

3D Honeycomb: This infill prints 3D honeycomb prints bigger and smaller squares and octagons to create columns of periodically increasing and decreasing thickness. This infill does not have crossing lines in one layer, however, due to the way it lays down the paths, it creates small gaps between layers. Material consumption and print time are slightly worse compared to the regular honeycomb pattern.

Gyroid: Considered one of the best infills by many. It is one of the few 3D structures that provides great support in every direction. It is printed relatively fast, saves material, does not have crossing lines in one layer and looks interesting. The special shape of this infill allows filling it with epoxy resin or another liquid.

Hilbert Curve: The Hilbert curve creates a rectangular labyrinth inside the model. The main advantages of this infill are its non-traditional look and it can be easily filled with epoxy resin or another liquid – the model is split into several large cavities, instead of a number of small “bubbles”. The main disadvantage of this infill is increased print time, sitting somewhere between honeycomb and rectilinear infills. The material consumption of the Hilbert curve is similar to the rectilinear.

Archimedean Chords: This spiral-twisted infill allows easier filling with liquid. This simple shape saves material and time compared to the rectilinear infill. Like the concentric infill, Archimedean chords help with model flexibility if printing with a flexible filament.

Octagram Spiral: This star-shaped spiral infill allows easier filling with liquid. An Octagram spiral may help with flexibility in certain models. It is mostly for aesthetic purposes and top layer support. Material consumption is similar to Archimedean chords but print time is slightly longer.

Adaptive Cubic: The Adaptive cubic infill works on the same principle as cubic. It consists of cubes oriented corner-down where lines cross themselves in one layer. Unlike simple cubic infill, this infill gets automatically more or less dense, depending on the distance to the nearest wall, leaving large cavities in the middle. This is especially useful for large prints with a big internal volume. The print will have denser infill at the top, bottom and around all sides, but it will have lower density near the center of the volume. The result is shorter print time and lower filament consumption while maintaining great support for top layers and similar mechanical properties. Material consumption is approx. 1/4 less than the rectilinear infill.

Support Cubic: This infill gets automatically denser depending on the distance to the nearest top layer (the infill density increases only in the Z-axis). Its primary function is to support top layers by saving as much material as possible, it does not improve any mechanical qualities of the model. Material consumption and print time of this infill are by far the lowest of all the supported infills.

Lightning: The lightning infill generates a branching structure that gets progressively denser towards the top surfaces, providing reliable support. It saves even more material compared to the Support cubic infill. The lightning infill is based on paper and ported from Cura. 

There are also infill options for the top and bottom layers. As seen in the image below, they can alter the aesthetic of the top and bottom layers. Rectilinear and monotonic appear identical below, but rectilinear can produce odd textures on the surface of a part where monotonic will not. Aligned rectilinear is great for parts that have top layers in multiple heights ( think of stairs). Concentric, like above, will follow the outer shape. Archimedean chords create a spiral that can save time printing certain shapes. And the Octogram spiral is creates aesthetic interest but increases print time. 

The picture below shows ironing. In 3D printing, ironing smooths flat top surfaces. As the hot nozzle travels over the just printed top layer, it flattens any plastic that might have curled up. The nozzle also extrudes a small amount of filament to fill in any holes in the top surface. The spacing between individual ironing passes is usually a fraction of the nozzle diameter. That means the nozzle will go over the same spot several times. Ironing is angled at a fixed 45 degrees compared to the first phase of normal top infill as this approach produces better results.

The main downside is increased print time as the second phase of the top infill is performed with very small spacing between ironing lines. You can see how much print time will be spent on ironing in the preview.

If ironing a big surface area, some machines might experience heat creep and eventually, a clogged hotend because the extrusion is very small and slow during ironing. This might be a problem mainly when printing with PLA, because of its low-temperature resistance. The risk is increased during summer heatwaves.

Another downside is that the edges will be a tiny bit fuzzy or less sharp. The ironing toolpath is planned for a small extrusion, but the nozzle is physically still the same size, so some plastic will bleed over the edge.

Ironing is useful for prints with flat top surfaces, like nameplates, logos, badges, boxes, lids, etc. Ironing can also be useful when two pieces  will be glued together and need the surfaces to be as flat as possible so that the gap between them is minimized.

Ironing is not useful for round objects, figures, and organic shapes in general. It is also not useful for objects that do have flat areas, but these flat areas are not aligned parallel to the print bed. With that said, ironing will not have a significant negative impact when printing such models, but will unnecessarily increase print time.

Click here for a more information regarding print settings.