
Grading Scale

A+ 97 - 100

A 94 - 96

A- 90 - 93

B+ 87 - 89

B 84 - 86

B- 80 - 83

C+ 77 - 79

C 74 - 76

C- 70 - 73

D+ 67 - 69

D 64 - 66

D- 60 - 63

F 59 - 0

Grading Policy

Technology Education classes follow the school's point system. Formative grades (classwork, homework, quizzes) will account for 10% of the total grade and summative grades (tests, projects) will account for 90% of the total grade. All projects are graded using rubrics and are mostly objective (the objective either has or has not been met); therefore not meeting requirements on projects can be detrimental to students’ grades. Rubrics are available to students throughout each project in paper form, on Google Classroom, and on this site. Late assignments will result in a reduction of 5% per day late and will not be accepted after 5 school days from the original due date.

Grading Symbols

NC = 0 (No Credit) - Given if a student does not turn in an assignment or project and has no evidence of work.

X = Exempt - Given on a case-by-case basis. Does not associate a grade with the given assignment or project.

** = Grade Has Not Been Entered Yet. This will change once a grade has been entered.