Peg Game Solution

How to Solve the Peg Game

* Solution is from Cracker Barrel's blog

Maybe you’ve gotten down to 2 or 3 pegs, and you think there is no way you could ever get down to one. Instead of just accepting your “pretty smart” status, we can help you beat the peg game so you can impress your family and friends next time.

Fun fact: Did you know there are actually over 6,000 ways for you to win the game, but after two wrong moves it’s virtually impossible for you to win?

Here’s the simplest way:

Position the game board so that the triangle point is facing away from you. Now let’s assign a number from 1-15 to each hole, starting at the top.

Arrange the pegs, so the top position 1 is left open.

This leaves an empty diamond pattern in the front.

Now, to clear the second and bottom rows.

You’re almost there

Bam! You’ve got one left in position 13 and have won the game!