June 6, 2023
June 6, 2023 Dedham PTF Meeting Notes
4:30pm School Music Room
Attendance / sign-in: Jeff Paul, Madeline Wright, Tim Pearson, Jody Butilier
Called to order at 4:32
Approval of May Minutes
Tim motioned, Jeff seconded, 4-0 approved
Treasurer’s Report
Checking balance: $7,975.79
Scrip Saving balance: $2193.77
*A red car stopped and helped themself to a few bags from the Stompers collection bin over the weekend.
New member recruitment (Secretary)
Continue to brainstorm
Color Run recap
Jerry will give recap at the next meeting
Request of funds
Retiring teacher gifts -Tim made motion, Jeff 2nd 4-0 approved up to $200.
Retiring Teachers
Julia Kearns (since 2019)
Cathy Hughes (since 1987)
Linda Christie (since1981)
Next Few Months:
July: No meeting
September 29, Friday- Bangor Waterfront Concert-Goo Goo Dolls-we will need a crew from 1-9pm: we will put together a sign up for when we return to school in August
End of the year survey-few responses: Will we do a QR code for open house? We will discuss this at the next meeting.
Old Business / New Business-will we keep meetings on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30? Yes, no one had a reason to change it.
Adjournment 4:47pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 8th at 5:30 pm