December 13, 2022 Meeting Notes
December 13, 2022 Dedham PTF Meeting Agenda
5:30pm School
1. Attendance / sign-in Call to Order
5:32 - call the meeting to order
In attendance: Jerry, Hollie, Jody, Erika
2. Approval of November Minutes - approved
3. Treasurer’s Report
Checking balance: $8,623.82
Scrip Saving balance: $2,193.22
*Jerry asking what was the cumulative amount for cans and bottles this year - $2,223.65 so far in 2022.
*Once we pay out items we owe for (floor mats, gps, gotcha prizes) we will be at about $5,900 roughly
4. Frozen Projector
Jerry has reached out to a dozen places or so and the projector is crazy expensive. Local schools do not have one we can borrow. Looks like we will probably need to rent. Or should we buy one? We could maybe even rent it out after we purchase one. Jerry would like to try out the projectors we have available. Jerry would like to approve the amount for the digital backdrops and then can explore projector options later.
5. T-shirts / Teacher Appreciation Week gifts
I was asked to keep this a secret 🙂Erika will email the ptf group the information that they requested
6. Request of funds
$450 for Frozen Software - approved
Request for Mrs. Handley - Middle School Science - water/sink in MS science room. Asking for bubbler, sink and tubing $268.99, $62.68, $18.33 - Up to $400 approved to provide water to the Middle School science room.
7. Next Few Months:
January: Raffle Prizes (Jerry will put out a letter to school to ask for donations), PTF appreciation plaques
February: Student body will sell raffle tickets
March: Calendar Raffle Released - winner picked daily
April: Frozen (April 8th) - maybe a donation jar?
May: Teacher Appreciation Week (05/01 - 05/05)
**Annie has a fundraiser idea that the group would like to explore more later
8. Old Business / New Business - None
9. Adjournment - 6:21pm
Next Meeting: January 11th, 2022