Update schedule change... and awesomeness!

Publiseringsdato: 13.nov.2013 16:37:57

If you came here today (Wednesday) to find a new str'p, sorry to disappoint you. I have previously mentioned that Wednesday updates will be later than the other updates due to an arrangement at school. However, I find this fairly impractical, because the same arrangement also limits how much time I have at home after school.

This is why I'm announcing a minor change to the update schedule from now on:

The old Monday-Wednesday-Saturday schedule will from now on be replaced with Monday-Thursday-Saturday.

And now for awesome!

Yesterday, when I got home from school, I was surprised by a change to the decoration on my bedroom door...

This is awesome! The idea and the actual wall-sticker (a.k.a. veggord where I live) comes from Veronica of Vikka's Veggord. Thanks a lot - I love it!

Check out the Facebook group of Vikka's Veggord if you are interested! They make a lot of cool wall-stickers!

(Note to foreign readers: The FB group is in Norwegian, and I don't know if they'll send to other countries than Norway. Sorry.)