Transcript of #220

Meanwhile, you know about the vote button...

Commentary Transcript

Panel 1:

Block and Krixwell, common room.

Krixwell: Having writer's block sucks.

Block Smith: Do you even have anything to make a str'p about today?

Panel 2:

Krixwell: Not really. And I'm running out of time.

Block Smith: Then you have to come up with something quickly.

Panel 3:

Jane, common room. Krixwell and Block are off to the left.

Krixwell: I know, I know.

Krixwell: I guess I could make one that reveals that Jane knows about the fourth wall.

Block Smith: What.

Jane Cervelle: Well, crap.

Block Smith: are hopeless.

Title: "Busted"

Storyline: "Janebreak" (1)

Additional tags: fourth wall, dramatic reveal, Krixwell is dumb

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